Welcome to Third Grade Curriculum Night October 6, 2014
Agenda Teacher Introductions What is the Common Core? Common Core Math Common Core English Language Arts Make and Take Time Science Social Studies Intervention and Enrichment Third Grade Processes Online Resources Third Grade Assessments How can you help? Read to Achieve Q & A, Plus/Delta
Teacher Introductions Tara Balliet Maria Imbrogno Darcy Nye Jennifer Tucker Sara Tucker
What is the Common Core? State standards across most of the U.S. Currently in place in NC for this school year Creates a consistent curriculum across the country Focuses on college and career readiness Posted on ISS webpage & NCDPI webpage Currently in place for Math and English Language Arts
Common Core Math Third grade math clusters: Operations and Algebraic Thinking Represent/solve multiplication and division problems Understand multiplication properties and how multiplication relates to division Multiply and divide within 100 (with fluency) Word problems (one step and two step) Numbers and Operations in Base 10 Using place value to understand rounding, addition and subtraction within 1000, and multiplying with multiples of 10
Common Core Math Math Clusters Continued… Number and Operations- Fractions Identifying fractions Fractions on a number line Equivalent fractions Comparing fractions Measurement and Data Time to nearest minute Measure/estimate liquid volume and mass Represent/interpret bar and pictographs Area and perimeter Geometry Two dimensional shapes and their attributes
How has math changed with Common Core? More conceptual and abstract verses just procedural Students asked to solve problems in variety of ways Students are explaining the why and the how Writing is more integrated into math
Common Core English Language Arts Reading: Literature Stories, fables, myths, drama, poems Focus: Characters, point of view, moral/lesson, context clues, literal and non-literal words, illustrations Reading: Informational Text Focus: Main idea/details, sequence, cause/effect, context clues, compare/contrast, text features
Common Core English Language Arts Reading: Foundational Skills Focus: Grade level phonics, word analysis, reading with fluency and accuracy Writing Focus: Writing opinions, informative pieces, narratives Research and note taking skills
Common Core English Language Arts Speaking and Listening Focus: Collaborative discussions and oral reports Language Focus: Grammar, writing conventions, vocabulary, reference materials
Make and Take Time Wondering what questions you can ask your child to support their reading at home? Cut out the reading comprehension cards. Use these cards at home while your child is reading to help build their understanding of the text.
How has reading changed with Common Core? More informational text Students cite evidence with their answers- more writing involved Speaking, listening, word study are key to reading success
Science Ecosystems- Soil, Plants, Seeds Earth’s Systems, Structures, and Processes- Water and land features Structures and Functions of Living Organisms- Skeletal and muscular systems Earth in the Universe- Solar System Forces and Motion Matter: Properties and Change- Solids, liquids, gasses Energy: Conservation and Transfer
Social Studies History- Leadership, events, change Geography & Environmental Literacy- Place, location, human/environment interaction, regions, movement Economics & Financial Literacy- Supply/demand, market economy Civics & Government- Citizenship Culture- Language, diversity, values/beliefs
Third Grade Assessments Reading 3D- state of NC has adapted reading assessment for grades K-3 Students assessed beginning, middle, and end of year- reports will go home each time District Benchmark Assessments- used to check quarterly progress (math & reading) NC End of Grade- changes to reading assessment requirements (math & reading) RTA-Read to Achieve
Intervention/Enrichment Intervention and enrichment is built into our daily schedule Math and reading are an additional 40 minutes each per day Both are focused on targeted objectives Small groups working with the teacher Groups change based on student need
Third Grade Processes Homework Read 20 minutes nightly Accelerated Reader Year goal: 50 points Quarterly goal: 12.5 points Science L to J Study vocab nightly Multiplication Weekly multiplication quizzes to increase fluency Study facts nightly
Online Resources Raz-Kids IXL Moby-Max Scholastic News Teacher Webpages
How can you help? Stress the importance of independence and responsibility Stress neatness and effort with homework Help drill math facts Use websites that make practice fun (see teacher’s websites for examples) Time, Energy, and Effort
Read to Achieve What is Read to Achieve? There will be a separate parent night in January
Q & A If you have general questions, please feel free to ask them now If you have specific questions for your child’s teacher, please see your teacher to schedule a conference
Plus/Delta Please take a moment to tell us what you thought of the evening by filling out the provided plus/delta sheet. We value your input!