ISUAL Test Verification Matrix H. Heetderks
TRR December, 20002NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Verification Matrix -- Imager Related System Specification Section Level of Test NumberVerification Requirement Assembly Proc Measure wavelength response of Imager with each filter Imager A Measure worst case transfer time for filter mechanism Imager / AEP A.LF Measure Imager FOV Imager A Measure Imager Pixel Size Imager A Measure Exposure Time Range in Imager Imager A Measure CCD Read out Time Imager / AEP LF Measure Imager Modulation Transfer Function Imager A Measure Imager Signal to Noise Ratio Imager A Measure Imager Frame Rate in Sprite Continuous Mode Imager / AEP LF Measure Imager Frame Rate in Sprite Burst Mode Imager / AEP LF Measure Imager Exposure Time in Aurora/Airglow Mode Imager / AEP LF
TRR December, 20003NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Verification Matrix -- SP Related System Specification Section Level of Test NumberVerification Requirement Assembly Proc Measure wavelength response of each SP Module SP B Measure Spectrophotometer FOV SP B Verify co-linearity of Spectrophotometer Boresites SP B Measure Sampling Rate of Spectrophotometer SP / AEP LF Measure Spectrophotometer Signal to Noise Ratio SP B2
TRR December, 20004NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Verification Matrix -- AP Related System Specification Section Level of Test NumberVerification Requirement Assembly Proc Measure Array Photometer Wavelength Response AP C Measure Array Photometer FOV AP C Measure Alignment of Array Photometer Boresite AP C Measure of Array Photometer Exposure Time AP / AEP LF Measure of Array Photometer Signal to Noise Ratio AP C2
TRR December, 20005NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Verification Matrix -- AEP and System System Specification Section Level of Test NumberVerification Requirement Assembly Proc 3.2.1Verify Operation and Effectiveness of Data Compression Full System LF on Sample Images 3.2.2Verify that new Software revs can be uplinked to the Instrument AEP LF 3.2.3Verify Operation of Full Memory AEP LF 3.2.4Verify that Science Data Interface Operates per Requirements of the ISUAL-S/C ICD AEP LF 3.2.5Verify Commands and SOH Operate per Requirements of the ISUAL-S/C ICD AEP LF 3.2.6Measure Power Consumption in all Operating Modes Full System A. LF 3.2.7Verify that ISUAL Instrument correctly processes the PPS Signal from the Spacecraft AEP LF 3.2.8Verify that Ancillary Data from the S/C are properly put into SOH Telemetry AEP LF 3.3.1Verify Size and Weight of each of the four Components Full System One Time Test
TRR December, 20006NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Verification Matrix -- AEP and System System Specification Section Level of Test NumberVerification Requirement Assembly Proc 3.3.2Verify Mounting Surface Flatness of each ComponentFull System One Time Test 3.4.1Verify First Modal Frequencies of Each Component ETU System ETU Vib Test 3.4.2Verify that Design will survive Mechanical ETU System ETU Environmental Requirements Vib Test 3.4.3Thermal Environmental Requirements Verification Full System T/V Test 3.4.4Show that Instrument will survive depressurization rate Analysis 3.4.5Verify Instrument will meet EMC Requirements Full System EMC Test 3.5 Verify presence of name plates Full System Inspection 3.6 Measure alignment of Boresite with respect to the Full System A1, B1, C1 Instrument Alignment Cubes
TRR December, 20007NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks ISUAL System Specification The following slides show the requirements on the ISUAL system as taken from UCB drawing number 8821-W7 Revision A ISUAL System Specification
TRR December, 20008NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Selected Bands The Sprite Imager shall be programmed to capture a series of images through one of the selected spectral filters specified in the following table. Band NumberB1B2B3B4B5B6 Center Wavelength (nm)690 ± ± ± 3630 ± ± 3625 ± 25 50% Bandwidth, 125 ± 157 ± 26 ± 27 ± 26 ± 2450 ± 40 or FWHM (nm)
TRR December, 20009NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Band Selection Time The Imager filter mechanism will change between any two filters in a time equal to or less than one minute.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Field Of View The Sprite Imager shall have a field of view (FOV) equal to 20 x 5 .
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Instantaneous Field Of View The imager’s instantaneous field of (IFOV) for each CCD pixel shall be no larger than 0.04 x 0.04 .
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Exposure Time The imager exposure time shall be programmable and shall at least cover the range from 1 msec. to 0.5sec.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks CCD Readout Time CCD readout time shall be 12 milli-seconds or less for the complete 512 x 128 image.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Modulation Transfer Function With 1 msec frame time, the square wave Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) at the Nyquist frequency shall be no less than 0.20.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Signal To Noise Ratio The signal to noise ratio (SNR) for each spectral band is specified in the following table. Frame Time = 1.00msFrame Time = 30.00ms Radiance (MR) Electrons SNR Note that: The data shown in the above table shall be finalized in the CDR.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Imaging Modes Three separate modes are provided for the operation of the Sprite Imager. In all of the modes any of the six Imager filters may be selected by ground command and that filter will remain in operation until it is changed by further commands from the ground.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Sprite Continuous Mode In the Sprite Continuous Mode, the ISUAL will wait for pre-cursor lightning to trigger the instrument and will then collect images at a rapid framing rate. Any one of the six Spectrophotometer channels may be selected by ground command as the trigger. Following a trigger, images will be collected at a fixed frame rate of 100 +/- 20 frames per second, where a frame is defined as 512 x 128 pixels. In the presence of a continuing source of trigger events, the CCD read out rate is sufficiently fast to support this rate with out any interruption or significant dead time.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Sprite Burst Mode In the Sprite Burst Mode, the ISUAL will again wait for pre-cursor lightning to trigger the instrument and will then collect images at a rapid framing rate. Any one of the six Spectrophotometer channels may be selected by ground command as the trigger. Following a trigger, a block of up to 8 images will be collected at a rate of up to at least 575 frames per second. Since images are being continuously taken and overwritten while the system is waiting for a trigger, the camera can capture the images of an event up to 5 milli-seconds prior to the trigger. In this mode the CCD read out rate is too high to maintain a continuous read out in the presence of a high rate of back-to-back trigger events. Following each trigger event, a minimum time of not more than 100 milli-seconds is required to flush out the CCD camera before it is ready to respond to the next trigger.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Aurora / Airglow Mode In the Aurora/Airglow Mode, one of the airglow lines on the filter wheel will be selected and images will be taken a continuous rate of one per second. The length of the exposure time is programmable and can be up to 1 second. When the Sprite Imager is used to image the aurora, filters B2, B4, and B5 will typically be used and the exposure time will be programmed to be between 0.1 sec and 0.5 sec. When it is used to image airglow, filters B3 and B6 will typically be used with the same range of exposure time.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Selected Bands The Spectrophotometer shall include six photometers to detect the photonic signals from lightning associated events in the spectral bands specified in the following table. Band Number B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 Center Wavelength 210 ± ± ± ± ± ± 3 ( nm ) 50% Bandwidth, 125 ± ± 20 6 ± 2 6 ± ± 157 ± 2 or FWHM ( nm )
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Field of View Each photometer shall have its field of view (FOV) the same to within 20% as that of the Sprite Imager.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Boresight Each photometer shall be boresighted according to the Sprite Imager within ± 0.5 .
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Sampling Time The sampling time of each photometer is fixed at a rate of 10 K samples per second..
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Signal to Noise Ratio The signal to noise ratio (SNR) for each band is specified in the following table. Frame Time = 0.10msFrame Time = ms Radiance (MR) electrons 2.67E E E E E E+07 SNR 5.16E E E E E E+03 Note that: The data shown in the above table shall be finalized in the CDR.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Selected Bands The Array Photometerer shall include two channels to detect the photonic signals from lightning associated events in the spectral bands specified in the following table. Band Number B13 B14 Center Wavelength ( nm ) 350 ± ± 10 50% Bandwidth, or FWHM ( nm ) 100 ± ± 10
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Field of View Each channel shall have an array of 16 pixels each with a field of view (FOV) of 20°x 0.2°. The combined FOV for a channel shall be equal to 20 x 3.2°.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Boresight The Array Photometer shall be boresighted such that the center of the FOV of the AP is aligned with the center of the FOV of the Sprite Imager.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Exposure Time The Array Photometer has at least two sample rates selectable by ground command, one at 20 kHz and one at 2khz. Additional sample rates may be provided.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Signal to Noise Ratio The signal to noise ratio (SNR) for each photodetector is specified in the following table. Frame Time = 0.05msFrame Time = 5.00ms Radiance (MR) electrons 8.33E E E E E E+05 SNR 9.13E E E E E E+02 Note that: The data shown in the above table shall be finalized in CDR.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks 3.2.1Data Compression Capability In order to optimize scientific data usage, the electronics subsystem shall be capable of compressing data by a combination of the removal of undesirable data, such as dark signals and other background signals and/or standard lossless data compression techniques. A total compression of at least a factor of 3 shall be achieved.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Software On-Orbit Modification A complete set of the software which controls the operation of the instrument is stored in ROM in the DPU. This software will automatically execute when the instrument is first powered. Once the instrument is turned on, control can be transferred to any of three other versions of the code which are stored in EEPROM and which can be modified by ground command. This allows modification of the operating software following launch of the instrument.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Data Storage Memory A memory of 256 megabytes capacity is included in the instrument to store science data between the time it is collected and the time it can be compressed and transferred to the spacecraft.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Science Data Interface The interface between the AEP and the spacecraft for the transmission of science data shall be as defined in section , ISUAL Scientific Data Link, of Astrium document RS2SC-CDRL-029b, ISUAL – Spacecraft Interface Control Document.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Command and SOH Interface The interface between the AEP and the spacecraft for the transmission of commands and Status of Health (SOH) information shall be as defined in section 4.6 Command and Data Handling Interfaces of Astrium document RS2SC-CDRL-029b, ISUAL – Spacecraft Interface Control Document.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks 3.2.6Power Requirements The ISUAL instrument shall be powered by either of two redundant 28 volt services provided by the spacecraft. Power drawn by the ISUAL shall be equal to or less than the following: Average power: 40 W (per orbit) Peak Power: 100 W (with Duty Cycle < 10%) Standby/House Keeping: 5 W
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Instrument Timing –The ISUAL instrument shall accept and process a sync pulse signal of 1 Hz from the spacecraft. This will be used with a suitable periodic command from the spacecraft to maintain an image of the spacecraft clock in the ISUAL.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks 3.2.8Ancillary Data The ISUAL shall receive and process ancillary data from Spacecraft as follows. Requirement On Board Accuracy Absolute Time UTC (msec) 1 [TBR] Spacecraft Position [TBD] Spacecraft Velocity (m/s) 5 Spacecraft Attitude (degrees) [TBD]
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Size and Weight Total weight of the ISUAL shall be no more than 35 kg. This weight shall include all growth contingency, intra-instrument harnessing and attachment hardware to the ROCSAT-2 Spacecraft. The size of each component of the ISUAL shall be within the maximum dimensions given on the following mechanical ICD drawings: Dwg. No.RevDescription 8452-A4IImager Mechanical ICD 8453-A4FSpectrophotometer Mechanical ICD 8454-A4CArray Photometer Mechanical ICD 8455-A4EAssociated Electronics Package Mechanical ICD
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Mounting The ISUAL mounting surface flatness shall be cm/cm.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Minimum Natural Frequencies ISUAL components (black boxes) shall be designed such that the minimum natural frequency is greater than 100 Hz in any direction. This will be verified by doing a modal sweep during the component qualification vibration test.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks 3.4.2Mechanical Environmental Requirements The ISUAL shall be designed to survive the vibration and shock environment defined in section Mechanical environment of Astrium document RS2SC-CDRL-029b, ISUAL – Spacecraft Interface Control Document.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Thermal Environmental Requirements The ISUAL components shall be designed to survive operation in vacuum over the temperature ranges specified below: Item Operating Temperatures Non-operating Temperatures 1. Sprite Imager -20 C. to +30 C. -35 C. to +50 C. 2. Spectrophotometer -20 C. to +30 C. -35 C. to +50 C. 3. Array Photometer -20 C. to +30 C. -35 C. to +50 C. 4. AEP -40 C. to +50 C. -55 C. to +55 C. 5. CCD Heat Sink +30 C. max. with 5 Watts power input -35 C. to +50 C.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks 3.4.4External Pressure Extremes All ISUAL components shall be designed to meet their performance requirements after exposure to air transport and launch vehicle boost, ascent pressure environments. Consideration shall be given to provide adequate venting of each structural component, in order to prevent significant loadings due to the ambient pressure differentials encountered during flight.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks Electromagnetic Compatibility Requirements The ISUAL shall conform to the ECM requirements defined in section EMC Requirements of Astrium document RS2SC-CDRL- 029b, ISUAL – Spacecraft Interface Control Document.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks 3.5Nameplates and Product Markings All ISUAL components shall be permanently and legibly identified in accordance with the Product Assurance Program Plan in the PAR Document.
TRR December, NCKU UCB Tohoku ISUAL Verification Matrix Heetderks 3.6Alignment Requirements The optical axis of each ISUAL sensors will be internally aligned with its own alignment reference cube and the residual angle measured to an accuracy of 0.1 degrees or better.