Pricing Volatility 2015
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Wheat – Understanding this movement is vital. If I lock in at $300, on average what is the upside?
What is happening to maximums and minimums? What would it take to get back to 2010 volatility?
On average, what months are best, to avoid locking in the lowest cash price?
Barley – Look at the highs, See a pattern? What is happening to the lows?
Lows and highs are better second half and the “August” thing also applicable.
Non GM Canola – Look at the highs !! Volatility is still large look at the scale.
Best time to avoid lowest lows? End of year. This doesn’t mean the best prices are end of year
Remember that this data is on average and doesn’t mean it will happen every year - (Guide only) Don’t keep those large numbers from 2010 in your head as goals. – this shows that it doesn’t happen anymore. Set realistic good numbers as targets. Marketing Rule for 2015 – Sell more at the good numbers. Thought- sometimes a washout is better than a harvest sale. Final thought – When it is all finished and didn’t work – Learn from it! Notes