Office name goes here Chief Executive Office December 14, 2011 Chicago School Policy Forum Series
Illinois Vs. Common Core Office name goes here Office name/footer goes here Chief Executive Office December 14, 2011 Task #1 Task #2 Students read several paragraphs and identify the “ text structure”: 1)Cause and effect 2)Chronological 3)Order of importance 4)Problem and solution 5)Spatial 6)Sequence Students read a complex text and are asked to analyze the text structure– meaning, the way that each paragraph contributes to the main argument-- and describe why the author chose to organize the text in the way he or she did, including ways that the text might have been better organized.
Phased Plan Office name goes here Office name/footer goes here Chief Executive Office December 14, Comprehension Writing Language and Speaking Foundational Skills (K-5) Literacy in Content Areas (6-12) Math Practices & Progressions All English Language Arts Strands
Nested Learning Communities Office name goes here Office name/footer goes here Chief Executive Office December 14, 2011 Central Office Networks All schools: Instructional Leadership Teams Early Adopter Schools: Teachers
What is different? Office name goes here Office name/footer goes here Chief Executive Office December 14, 2011 Focus on standards-based planning: Support teachers in identification of appropriate text Formative and summative performance assessment Identify key instructional practices essential to CCSS
Additional implications Office name goes here Office name/footer goes here Chief Executive Office December 14, 2011 The CCSS will change fundamentally how we do business: Instructional materials Professional learning Monitoring and accountability Grading/reporting for parents Full School Day/Year is essential More time for teacher planning and professional development More time for authentic student learning