Welcome to Fourth Grade Curriculum Night Ms. Fogleman Mrs. Magill Mrs. Parrish Mrs. Swerbinsky Mr. Winn
Common Core and Essential Standards * Third year of new curriculum, standards, and assessments * Nationally aligned * ”Less, but better” mindset: allows for deeper understandings and mastery * Affects all subjects * Integrated with 21 st Century Skills * Allows for all types of learners and skill sets * Focuses on critical thinking and analysis across all subjects
BOY assessments are complete Help determine needs and enrichment areas Data allows work to be differentiated Ongoing formal/informal assessments and flexible grouping Assessments
* Also called, “Higher Order Thinking”, based on Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy of Thought. *Expand, analyze, and synthesize texts, tasks and problems. *Metacognition *Connecting: reading, writing, speaking, listening across all subjects. *Allows students to think conceptually and then drill down to discrete skills. *’Because’…can be applied/practiced everywhere through conversation. Critical Thinking Skills
Synthesizing literacy components Comprehension Skills Vocabulary Fluency Word Study/Phonics Read aloud, shared reading, independent reading Reading literature, information, foundational skills, speaking/listening strands. Whole and Small Group Instruction Daily Work Stations and Accountability of Application MIRP Reading Curriculum
Narratives: Personal and Imaginative Opinion Pieces Informational Teacher Modeled Strategies enforced during mini lessons Conferencing with students Writing across the curriculum areas Writing can be assessed over time Allows for many mediums/formats Writing Curriculum
Math Curriculum Whole Group, Small Group, Math Talk, Writing, Teacher Made Tasks/Projects/Stations Five math strands across the grades: Number and Operations: Base Ten Number and Operations: Fractions Geometry Measurement and Data Operations and Algebraic Thinking
SCIENCE Moon Phases Rocks and Minerals Animal Studies Magnets and Electricity Earth Processes Civics and Government Geography and Environmental Literacy History Social and Political Institutions Economic and Financial Literacy Culture SOCIAL STUDIES Science & Social Studies Curriculum
Daily logs Caught Being a Hawk (individual and class) Minor Incident Reports (MIR): In classroom write up, used as documentation before office referral Office Referral From (ORF): Handled out of classroom, major infractions or series of repetitive MIRs Behavior System and REACH
Alamance Battleground- “Colonial Living” Raleigh Trip (Spring) Possible in school field trips for science Field Trips
*Check teachers’ websites weekly for updates, documents, and classroom happenings! *Thank you for attending Curriculum Night! We hope to stay in close contact with you this school year in order to ensure your child’s academic and social success! *Questions? General Questions/Information