CCSS & NYS Teaching Standards ELA Training Liane Benedict Oswego County BOCES Sign in & put on a name tag Sit by grade level No more than 2 people at a table from the same district
Parking Lot
Hey…how are ya? Introduce yourself Discuss concerns, clarifications, questions… Choose a rep to post them in the Parking Lot. Rate your level of concern 1-10
We’re not in Kansas anymore… Not just about what we teach… –How we teach –How we assess –How we coordinate roles –How we make decisions…
I believe that revolutionary chaos may yet crystallize into new life forms. ~Gorbachev
Our Work For Today NYS Teaching Standards Three Priorities of Teacher Evaluation Common Core Standards –Shifts-Assessments –Exemplars-Standards –Technology Implications Expectations & Timeline Roundtable Discussion The Work Ahead… Ingredients for Unit Alignment
( Estimated )Standards Evolution Syllabi Compact For Learning Regents Action Plan 28 Standards Resource Guides 4 & 8 Testing 2005 Revisions 3-8 Testing CCSS/PARCC
What does the data show? ELA Results/Proficiency Grade % Grade – 70.6 Grade – 66.2 Grade – 74.5 Grade 732 – 53.3 Grade 833 – 52.5
It is imperative that the CCSS be considered the floor not the ceiling when it comes to expectations for student performance in the 21 st century. ~PARCC Draft Model Frameworks
What are the qualities, characteristics, & behaviors of highly effective teaching? Individually, write one idea per post-it note.
Next… Share the qualities you identified Group similar qualities together Clarify as needed Then, you will need a piece of chart paper for your table.
NYS Teaching Standards
How will the Teaching Standards impact your instruction of CCSS aligned units?
Indicators With rubrics Knowledge of Students & Student Learning Element 1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of child and adolescent development including cognitive, language, social, emotional, and physical developmental levels. A) Describes developmental characteristics of students Knowledge of Students & Student Learning Element 1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of child and adolescent development including cognitive, language, social, emotional, and physical developmental levels. A) Describes developmental characteristics of students Standards Summary statements Elements
Common Threads Equity Cultural competence High expectations Developmental appropriateness A focus on individuals, including those with special needs Appropriate use of technology Student assumption of responsibility
3 Rubric Priorities Cognitive Engagement Constructivist Learning 21 st Century Skills
Three Priorities
Translation… Cognitive Engagement –“Effective” = students must be cognitively engaged. –“Highly Effective” = cognition, meta-cognition, and student ownership of their learning. Constructivist Learning –Effective & Highly Effective practice must have evidence of learning experiences designed to facilitate students’ construction of knowledge. 21 st Century Skills –Effective & Highly Effective practice must plan for and have evidence of application of college & career readiness skills and dispositions.
Standard 3: Instructional Practice Read through the elements of Instructional Practice Highlight evidence of the 3 priorities
What might change in your instructional practice?
Physiological response to thinking and to pain is the same; and man is not given to hurting himself. ~ Martin H. Fischer
Review… College & Career Readiness Reading –Literature –Informational text –Foundational skills Writing Speaking & Listening Language Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, Technical Subjects –Reading –Writing
Common Core Shifts Read & highlight Discuss with your table Room debrief Key points to remember…
Current state… What are some of the current practices in your instruction that align with the 6 shifts? What are the areas that will require development?
Six Month Shifts in… Materials Teacher practice Student behavior as learners
Close reading of texts… …increase in informational texts
Frame & Scaffold
Student Writing
Technology Implications
Assessment Shifts
Critical Priorities Addressed by PARCC Assessments Close readings of texts –Draw evidence from for writing Writing about texts –Formal and informal Research Narrative writing –Personal ideas, literary concepts Reading & writing –Cite evidence, analyze content, grammar, vocabulary, listening & speaking by reporting findings, multiple formats
Exemplars Read through the exemplar. What are you noticing? Take note… As a team, discuss where you see evidence of the 6 shifts.
Draft Model Content Frameworks Not available for K-2 Summary of standards Glossary & summary of expectations Description of the priorities of the assessments Writing standards progression
Grade Level Specifics… Examples Standards Template
Possibilities for Discussion What is your starting point for aligning an upcoming unit? What grade level standards will be the focus? Ideas for texts? Integration of technology? How will you incorporate the instructional shifts and rubric priorities?
Resources Check out states such as Arizona, Ohio, Massachusetts, North Carolina…
Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning. ~Benjamin Franklin