LEADERSHIP POSSIBILITIES THIS MORNING Session I 11:15-12:15 Welcome, Introductions, Purpose, & Benefits of Leadership Ice Breaker: What Kind of Leader Are You? A fun activity you can do with your chapter! Duties: Now that I have the job, what do I do? Scavenger Hunt: Waltzing through the “Guidelines for Chapter Presidents” (prizes for good scavengers!) Six Steps for a Vibrant Chapter Come back this afternoon with one chapter goal idea (New Info, prizes, fun!!) Room will be locked until 3:00.
PURPOSE Welcome to each of you! We are here to support you! Introductions: Liz Friedrich, Immediate Past State President, Chapter President Barbara Clausen, Parliamentarian, Past State & Chapter President Purpose: To provide support for new chapter presidents that will make the duties clearer To provide encouragement & support beyond just today for your success To encourage you to think differently about what you can do to move your chapter forward
WHAT KIND OF LEADER ARE YOU? Every member is a leader in her work—that is part of what makes her a DKG member. Have fun with this leadership activity and use it to gain insight into your leadership style. Given my style, how can I use these traits I have? How can I utilize others in areas that are not my strength?
BENEFITS OF LEADERSHIP Finding opportunities to influence others in a positive direction Growing stronger in leading by example and influence Building new and meaningful relationships with others ~ with trust Showing your passion ~ keeping folks motivated and moving Speaking to adult groups ~ builds confidence / experience Learning to organize & make order out of chaos Giving validation to others ~ “appreciate, admire, respect, love others”
ROLE AND DUTIES OF THE PRESIDENT Role: To lead the leadership team & represent the chapter in fulfilling the purposes. Duties: Preside at meetings & direct chapter. Act as chair of the chapter executive board. Appoint a parliamentarian, as well as standing & special committees. Approve for payment all expense claims & publications. Fill by appointment all vacancies in office. Represent the Society at meetings, conferences, & other events. Take action, with advice/approval of executive board, on matters that cannot be deferred until the next meeting. Check the file received from predecessor, which should contain current materials.
SCAVENGER HUNT of the PRESIDENTS’ GUIDE 1.Given the time you have, try to find as many answers to the questions as you can. 2.Write down the answer (briefly) and the page you found it on in the guide. 3.There will be three prizes for those who finish with accuracy. 4.We will review the answers and answer questions as we go. 5.Now begin and have fun!! Hint: Use the table of contents to help you!
SIX STEPS TO A VIBRANT CHAPTER 1.Identify one area that needs change/improvement in your chapter. 2.Ask state organization or other leaders to come to a meeting first with your Executive Board and then with your chapter members. 3.Set one or more goals that address the identified area of need. 4.Create one or more concrete activities that will help the chapter reach its goal. 5. Follow through and gather evidence of results — get feedback from members as to the progress on the goal. Devise new activities to meet the changes and continue successful ones. Keep measuring progress — keep your focus. 6. Begin again by choosing another area needing improvement.
SESSION I: CLOSURE What Questions do you want answered? Share on your 3X5 card and come back for the answers! (Your ticket out the door) Think of one goal or area of improvement you would like to see in your chapter and bring it back this afternoon. This room will be locked until 3:00 so you may leave your materials on your chair, but take valuables. Thank you!
SESSION II: 3:15-4:15 What We Know about Younger Educators and DKG The Story of Building Your Chapter ~ Meet Ginny Flegel from Chi Chapter Sneak Preview: Go-To-Guide (prizes for good sneakers!) Meetings: How Do I Do THIS? Your Chapter’s Area of Need & Your Questions Budgets, Reports, Governing Documents Support: Visits, Websites, SAP Goals Closure/Feedback Form
WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT YOUNGER EDUCATORS/DKG Millennial are needed to keep our Society and Chapters going o Want meaningful projects—that make a difference in our world for women & children = easy volunteer opportunities o Want political action made easy to support issues for women & children o Want relationships, support for very hard work in today’s diverse settings, love to collaborate o Are not interested in boring business meetings—do much electronically—connected with technology o Multi-task constantly—and feel comfortable with it! o Have little interest in belonging to organizations unless they see immediate benefits, meaningful traditions, connections to them & their lives o Like diversity, rapid moving activities for the play date generation~~Fun! Fun! Fun! Solution? Pick three things they want that you offer and recruit new members—then support them! From Carolyn Rants’ survey 2006 of 16 states for DKG Butterfield, Bruce and Fox, Susan, “ Preparing for the Millennial Tsunami ”, Associations Now, May 2007.
THE STORY OF BUILDING YOUR CHAPTER Meet Ginny Flegel of Chi Chapter & get ideas of the area for improvement, the goal and activities, and the next steps…. Rose Buddies
THE PARADE OF SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Managing the Budget — but don’t let it hold your chapter back Reports: How to know what they are & how to get your leaders to do them Governing Documents: Have a question? How to find an answer
RESOURCES at YOUR FINGER TIPS Janet LeBeau, Executive Secretary, will walk us thru: 1.Visits from state members 2.Websites with many ideas to help you 3.State Goals & SAP Action Plans What are we doing for chapters?
CLOSURE: FEEDBACK Please fill out the feedback form and let us know what we can do to support you. Especially tell our President Marj what you would like to be topics for chapter leaders at the Fall Executive Board. Thank you for allowing us to serve you. We are a short distance away if you need help - do not hide and struggle - we are here to support YOU! Liz Friedrich Barbara Clausen
Congratulations for Being the New Leader of Your Biennium