The Church at Mesquite Salt & Light Matt
The Church at Mesquite Matthew 5 Matthew 5.13 Ye are the salt of the earth, but if the salt have lost his savor wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
The Church at Mesquite Matthew 5 Matthew Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your FATHER which is in Heaven (KJV).
The Church at Mesquite Light Physical properties of Light
The Church at Mesquite Light Physical properties of Light Reflection Refraction Dispersion Interference (Constructive and Destructive)
The Church at Mesquite Light Physical properties of Light Reflection Light reflects off of surfaces. This is important because this quality in light allows us to see images in mirrors.
The Church at Mesquite Light Physical properties of Light Refraction When light bends as it passes from one medium to another, it refracts. This at times causes objects to seem larger than they are.
The Church at Mesquite Light Refraction As it relates to the spiritual parallel of refraction we find that as the light of JESUS shines through us unto others HIS light causes us to look differently than the people in the world.
The Church at Mesquite Light Physical properties of Light Dispersion This quality causes white light to be broken into its different colors. An example of this is the rainbow.
The Church at Mesquite Light Dispersion As it relates to the spiritual parallel of dispersion we find that when JESUS’ light shines through us people should be able to see HIS different qualities Examples of this is the fruit of HIS SPIRIT (Galatians )
The Church at Mesquite Light Dispersion Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance
The Church at Mesquite Light Physical properties of Light Interference This describes what happens when two beams of light meet.
The Church at Mesquite Light Physical properties of Light Interference If the two beams enhance one another such interference is called “constructive.” If the two beams make one another less bright such interference is called “destructive.”
The Church at Mesquite Light Interference As children of GOD who prove to have the SPIRIT of CHRIST work together their combined Light should cause them to be stronger together than they are apart
The Church at Mesquite Light Physical properties of Light Reflection Refraction Dispersion Interference (Constructive and Destructive)
The Church at Mesquite Light Matthew Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your FATHER which is in Heaven (KJV).
The Church at Mesquite Light From JESUS’ WORDs we conclude: JESUS’ followers are expected to be light
The Church at Mesquite Light From JESUS’ WORDs we conclude: JESUS’ followers are expected to be light JESUS’ followers are expected to be seen
The Church at Mesquite Light From JESUS’ WORDs we conclude: JESUS’ followers are expected to be light JESUS’ followers are expected to be seen JESUS’ followers are expected to glorify GOD
The Church at Mesquite Light When we consider the WORDs of JESUS we should note that there is a need for HIS people to be the Light that HE calls us to be.
The Church at Mesquite Light When we consider the WORDs of JESUS we should note that there is a need for HIS people to be the Light that HE calls us to be. Not only is man living in darkness, it has become apparent that he enjoys living in darkness.
The Church at Mesquite Light When we consider the direction that mankind is going in and note the impact that society is having on Christianity, it is clear that darkness is casting a shadow over Light rather than Light shining into darkness.
The Church at Mesquite Light When we consider the direction that mankind is going in and note the impact that society is having on Christianity, it is clear that darkness is casting a shadow over Light rather than Light shining into darkness. But this should not be a surprise to us for Paul left a warning in his 2 nd letter to Timothy that was left to alert us that such would happen.
The Church at Mesquite Light 2 Timothy This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy. Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
The Church at Mesquite Light 2 Timothy Traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of GOD. Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts. Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of truth (KJV).
The Church at Mesquite Light But this was not suppose to be the case.
The Church at Mesquite Light But this was not suppose to be the case. Long before Paul penned his 2 nd letter to Timothy JESUS had already called for HIS people to be Light, the illuminating panacea to this darkness epidemic.
The Church at Mesquite Light Yet somehow the very one who were designed and called to be the Light became the darkness.
The Church at Mesquite Light Yet somehow the very one who were designed and called to be the Light became the darkness. Apparently already satisfied with out own salvation we have become complacent regarding the salvation of others.
The Church at Mesquite Light Because of this many church-going Christians are like light bulbs without filaments, candles without wicks, and flashlights without batteries.
The Church at Mesquite Light Because of this many church-going Christians are like light bulbs without filaments, candles without wicks, and flashlights without batteries. In other words, the light that Christianity was designed to shine in society has grown dim.
The Church at Mesquite Light Last week we considered the physical properties or characteristics of Light. Now let us note three things that Light does…
The Church at Mesquite Light Last week we considered the physical properties or characteristics of Light. Now let us note three things that Light does… Light energizes
The Church at Mesquite Light Last week we considered the physical properties or characteristics of Light. Now let us note three things that Light does… Light energizes Light illuminates
The Church at Mesquite Light Last week we considered the physical properties or characteristics of Light. Now let us note three things that Light does… Light energizes Light illuminates Light emits pressure
The Church at Mesquite Light Light energizes
The Church at Mesquite Light Light energizes Physically speaking, atoms and molecules absorb light energy.
The Church at Mesquite Light Light energizes Physically speaking, atoms and molecules absorb light energy. This is because electrons have the ability to move from one atom to another atom, and when this happens the atom that received the extra electron becomes energized.
The Church at Mesquite Light Spiritually speaking, JESUS’ SPIRIT actually begins to live in the Christian who walks with CHRIST.
The Church at Mesquite Light Spiritually speaking, JESUS’ SPIRIT actually begins to live in the Christian who walks with CHRIST. As HIS SPIRIT is manifested in a Christian, that same SPIRIT can be used to energize those who do not have HIS SPIRIT.
The Church at Mesquite Light A good way to understand this is through exemplification. As we allow JESUS’ Light (SPIRIT) to shine in us, through us, and from us people will be able to see JESUS living in us.
The Church at Mesquite Light A good way to understand this is through exemplification. As we allow JESUS’ Light (SPIRIT) to shine in us, through us, and from us people will be able to see JESUS living in us. Thus we determine that people will learn how to live like JESUS by watching what we do. This will energize them spiritually and cause them to learn to live like JESUS.
The Church at Mesquite Light Matthew Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your FATHER which is in Heaven (KJV).
The Church at Mesquite Light But rather than giving Light and allowing JESUS’ SPIRIT to energize society, the light of many so-called Christians has grown dim.
The Church at Mesquite Light But rather than giving Light and allowing JESUS’ SPIRIT to energize society, the light of many so-called Christians has grown dim. By definition, if a person is not walking in JESUS’ Light then they are living in darkness.
The Church at Mesquite Light This is why so many church folk are allowing the world to impact them rather than they impacting the world. They are not walking in JESUS’ Light thus they feel comfortable living in darkness.
The Church at Mesquite Light The time has come for Christians to stop living in darkness, and start walking in JESUS’ Light.
The Church at Mesquite Light The time has come for Christians to stop living in darkness, and start walking in JESUS’ Light. We must exemplify JESUS so people will be energized (shook up), and begin to walk in the path that JESUS wants us to walk in.
The Church at Mesquite Light Light illuminates
The Church at Mesquite Light Light illuminates When we note the physical characteristics of light we see that it illuminates.
The Church at Mesquite Light Light illuminates When we note the physical characteristics of light we see that it illuminates. Physics reveals that Light illuminates in two forms: wave and particle
The Church at Mesquite Light Light illuminates To keep this simple we will consider the wave form, and note that Light waves move in different frequencies.
The Church at Mesquite Light Light illuminates The Light frequency that the human has the ability to see is referred to as visible light, but in actuality there are other frequencies of Light that exist that are referred to as dark Light (gamma rays).
The Church at Mesquite Light As it relates to what JESUS states in Matt our light is to be seen.
The Church at Mesquite Light As it relates to what JESUS states in Matt our light is to be seen. This shows that our actions should be able to be noted by others in such a way that it reveals that they are in darkness.
The Church at Mesquite Light Put another way, if people can not see your good works then your light is not shining.
The Church at Mesquite Light Put another way, if people can not see your good works then your Light is not shining. Even though JESUS knew that Light had different frequencies the Light that HE referred to was visible Light.
The Church at Mesquite Light Matthew Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your FATHER which is in Heaven (KJV).
The Church at Mesquite Light The essence of this proclaims that true Christianity is such that something is being done that can be seen.
The Church at Mesquite Light The essence of this proclaims that true Christianity is such that something is being done that can be seen. Many people claim to be Christian, but if they are not doing anything that shows that JESUS’ SPIRIT is shining through them then such a person proves not to be faithful to their Christianity.
The Church at Mesquite Light JESUS requires that the Light (HIS SPIRIT) that HIS people receive from HIM has to shine in such a way that people can see it.
The Church at Mesquite Light JESUS requires that the Light (HIS SPIRIT) that HIS people receive from HIM has to shine in such a way that people can see it. We do well to note here that dark Light is dangerous Light. Even though gamma rays and x-rays prove to be waves of Light they can not be seen and they are dangerous to the body.
The Church at Mesquite Light In this we find that Light that can not be seen does not illuminate, and spiritually speaking such Light is dangerous to the spiritual body.
The Church at Mesquite Light Light emits pressure
The Church at Mesquite Light Light emits pressure Did you know that Light has the ability to move things?
The Church at Mesquite Light Light emits pressure Did you know that Light has the ability to move things? If enough laser pointers were pointed at a penny they would be able to move it (30 billion).
The Church at Mesquite Light Light emits pressure Scientists are studying to develop technology that will give future space vehicles the ability to travel faster as the sun’s light is harness to increase speeds in space travel.
The Church at Mesquite Light Spiritually speaking we note that spiritual Light also has the ability to move things.
The Church at Mesquite Light Spiritually speaking we note that spiritual Light also has the ability to move things. As the Light of JESUS shines through HIS people HE should be able to make an impact on society and the world as a whole.
The Church at Mesquite Light Spiritually speaking we note that spiritual Light also has the ability to move things. As the Light of JESUS shines through HIS people HE should be able to make an impact on society and the world as a whole.
The Church at Mesquite Light Deductive reasoning states that the reason that JESUS’ Light has not been able to emit the required pressure that would move the world in the direction that HE wants the world to go in is because there are not enough “Christians” allowing HIS Light to shine through them.
The Church at Mesquite Light Christians are allowing HIS Light to shine through them, but there are not enough Christians allowing HIS Light to shine through them.
The Church at Mesquite Light Most people who call themselves Christians are actually just “church goers” (they go to church).
The Church at Mesquite Light Most people who call themselves Christians are actually just “church goers” (they go to church). But when it comes right down to allowing JESUS to work in their lives in such a way that people around them are impacted by The SPIRIT of JESUS living through them, most so-called Christians are proven to be church- goers.
The Church at Mesquite Light It takes a great deal of sacrifice to grow to the point in which the Light of JESUS is shining bright in our lives…
The Church at Mesquite Light It takes a great deal of sacrifice to grow to the point in which the Light of JESUS is shining bright in our lives… Initially we have to know The Word
The Church at Mesquite Light It takes a great deal of sacrifice to grow to the point in which the Light of JESUS is shining bright in our lives… Initially we have to know The Word We have to able to teach others The Word
The Church at Mesquite Light It takes a great deal of sacrifice to grow to the point in which the Light of JESUS is shining bright in our lives… Initially we have to know The Word We have to able to teach others The Word We can not be saturated in sin
The Church at Mesquite Light It takes a great deal of sacrifice to grow to the point in which the Light of JESUS is shining bright in our lives… Initially we have to know The Word We have to able to teach others The Word We can not be saturated in sin We can not be more concerned with the earthly life than we are Heaven
The Church at Mesquite Light It takes a great deal of sacrifice to grow to the point in which the Light of JESUS is shining bright in our lives… Initially we have to know The Word We have to able to teach others The Word We can not be saturated in sin We can not be more concerned with the earthly life than we are Heaven We have to love like JESUS
The Church at Mesquite Light All of these things will allow the Light of JESUS to shine through a Christian in such a way that they will have an impact on the people around them.
The Church at Mesquite Light All of these things will allow the Light of JESUS to shine through a Christian in such a way that they will have an impact on the people around them. Such an impact proves to emit pressure on society…the more people emitting such pressure, the more society is moved in the path of JESUS, which glorifies GOD.
The Church at Mesquite Light Matthew Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your FATHER which is in Heaven (KJV).
The Church at Mesquite Light Again, the reason that Christianity is not having the designed and desired impact on society is because there is not enough spiritual pressure (Light) being emitted on society.
The Church at Mesquite Light Again, the reason that Christianity is not having the designed and desired impact on society is because there is not enough spiritual pressure (Light) being emitted on society. Until we learn to allow JESUS’ Light to shine through us and on society, mankind is destined to get worse and worse as he continues to live in darkness.
The Church at Mesquite Light Darkness that is perpetuated by so-called Christians who have refused to allow JESUS’ Light to shine through them and into the world.
The Church at Mesquite Light JESUS expects HIS followers to be light JESUS expects HIS followers to be seen JESUS expects HIS followers to glorify GOD
The Church at Mesquite Light JESUS expects HIS followers to be light JESUS expects HIS followers to be seen JESUS expects HIS followers to glorify GOD Light energizes Light illuminates Light emits pressure
The Church at Mesquite Light In what ways are you allowing JESUS to shine through you?
The Church at Mesquite Light Matthew Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your FATHER which is in Heaven (KJV).
The Church at Mesquite Salt & Light Matt