3 rd Grade Miss Nelson Rm. 22
Common Core Standards Introduction ELA Mathematics Social Studies Science P.E.
Language Arts Reading Reading for Literature (fiction) Reading for Informational Text (nonfiction) Reading for Foundational Skills (decoding and fluency) Writing Opinion with supporting reasons Informative/explanatory Narratives Speaking and Listening Express ideas clearly in a variety of groupings Speak in complete sentences Language Sentence Structure, Grammar, Punctuation, Capitalization, Spelling Use context and word parts to determine meanings of unknown words
Accelerated Reader Students are tested several times throughout the year to measure growth. A score of 3.2 means that your child is reading at a level associated with 3 rd grade, second month. Each student is expected to earn one point per week; that is equal to about 2 picture books or one chapter book. We designate a 30-minute block each non-flex day for AR (2 hrs./week). Students must score an 80% or above to pass a quiz. One book is fiction, and one is non-fiction.
Mathematics Operations and Algebraic Thinking Multiplication and division Solve problems using all 4 operations Numbers and Operations in Base Ten Complete multi-digit arithmetic Number and Operations Fractions Fractions as numbers Measurement and Data Measure and estimate time, liquid volumes, and masses Represent and interpret data Relate area to multiplication and addition Perimeter versus area Geometry Understand shapes and their attributes
Social Studies Our Communities Land and Water in Your Area California Indians Past and Present Your Community over Time Rules and Laws The Economy of your Region
Science Life Science Adaptations in Land Environments Adaptations in Water Environments Environments Change Earth Science Our Earth, Sun, and Moon Our Solar System Physical Science Matter Energy Light e/ca/grade3/index.html
District Assessments District assessments match what is being taught to the students Examples SBAC Language Arts Benchmark Tests Writing Benchmarks Math Chapter Tests
Report Cards Standards-based Letter grades for Language Arts and Math O/S/U for Science, Social Studies, and P.E. Three times a year, one per trimester November, March, June
Classroom Rules and Expectations General Daily Routine Homework Policy Communication
Daily Schedule 8:30-9:00 Vocab/ELD (PMF) 9:00-10:40 Math (Go Math) 10:40-10:55 Recess 10:55-12:45 Language Arts 12:45-1:30 Lunch 1:30-2:00 Accelerated Reader 2:00-3:00 Science/Social Studies/P.E. 3:01 Dismissal
Flex Day Schedule 8:30-9:00 Vocab/ELD (PMF) 9:00-10:00 Math 10:00-11:00 ELA 11:00-11:30 Lunch 11:30-12:20 ELA 12:20 Dismissal
Classroom Rules No interfering with the teaching and learning of others. Respect personal space, rights and property of others. Follow directions of all your teachers. Come to class prepared with all supplies and homework complete.
Consequences Verbal Warning Recess or Lunch Detention Phone Call Home Referral to Principal
Home Support School website Spelling City Think Central Study Island Practice real world Math Make Science and Social Studies connections
Extra Supplies Emergency packet********* Copy paper Water bottles for the class #2 pencils (no mechanical pencils) Paper (wide rule) crayons markers colored pencils Scissors Glue sticks Yellow Highlighter Wipes, tissue –Any other supplies that comes to mind! Thank You for your support!
Questions and Comments