Maximizing Reading Gains to Meet AYP Targets: Decision Support Analytics for School Board Providence School District, RI April 2014
22 Presentation Overview Analyzing District Reading Academic Improvement Recommendations 9/9/20152
333 District Reading Achievement Data
Reading Challenge 9/9/20154
Reading Challenge 9/9/20155
Reading Challenge 9/9/20156
Reading Challenge 9/9/20157
Deployment 9/9/20158
Estimated Tiered Intervention Metrics- Elementary * Please note: Core is the total number of students performing at Proficient. 9/9/20159
Estimated Tiered Intervention Metrics- Middle and High School * Please note: Core is the total number of students performing at Proficient. 9/9/201510
Estimated Tiered Intervention Metrics- School Totals * Please note: Core is total number of students performing at Proficient. 9/9/201511
Rhode Island Reading and Math Rigor Risk Rhode Island 2013 GroupNAEPRI StateVariance Grade 4 Reading47.0%69.0%22.0% Grade 8 Reading40.0%77.0%37.0% 9/9/201512
Providence, RI– Reading Risk Analysis Commentary for Providence School District, RI: Common Core’s goals of preparing all students to be college and career ready means reading on grade level. Proficiency on NAEP is specifically designed to be reading on grade level. In 2013, the difference between RI’s NECAP reading proficiency and NAEP reading proficiency ranged from 22 to 37 percentage points. This means that the average district in RI might expect a 22 to 37 percentage point decline in reading proficiency under a Common Core test that has reading on grade level as its proficiency cut point. This grid shows the impact of four scenarios on the number of students in Providence School District needing reading intervention. 9/9/201513
Why Scholastic Achievement Partners Academic Improvement Services Maximizing Student Gains to Meet AYP Targets Best Practices 20 years, 18,000 classrooms and over 1,200,000 students 9/9/201514
Next Practices for Driving Academic Improvement … What We’ve Learned … What the Research Shows Comprehensive Implementation Support and Monitoring Intensive and Tiered Intervention Instructional Excellence for All Teachers Strong Instructional Leaders 360 Degree Needs Assessment and Planning 9/9/201515
Planning Success A focused plan with 2-3 primary goals The plan is built on a comprehensive assessment of demographic, academic, economic, and human resource needs Clear milestones that are tied to specific leaders and linked to a progress monitoring system with strong metrics Adequate personnel and fiscal resources Be prepared to make mid-course adjustments in these challenging times. 9/9/201516
Intensive & Tiered Intervention Assessment Data Screening, progress monitoring, and summative assessments for all students Assessments for reading for all students on a single vertical scale to measure both proficiency and growth trajectory Three Tiers for Reading Instruction Tier #2-3: Intensive intervention treatment in foundational skills for ELL and Special populations Tier #2: Intervention treatment for students below grade level Tier #1: Core instruction All three are linked to coherent K-12 curriculum 9/9/201517
Intensive & Tiered Intervention Intensive Implementation Support Initial training for teachers and academic leaders Ongoing, job embedded coaching for intervention teachers Development of a cadre of coaches to build internal capacity to sustain the initiative Progress Monitoring Data Individualized student skills data Progress monitoring data Usage data Implementation fidelity data Data that rolls up from student to class to school to district 9/9/201518
Professional Learning Instructional Excellence for All Teachers Tailored approach based on specific teacher growth needs Focused on high leverage areas Curriculum Effective Teaching Practices Content Area Literacy Effective Math Instruction Sustained approach to build internal capacity Blended model of delivery Face to face Job-embedded Online 9/9/201519
Professional Learning Strong Instructional Leadership Common agreement on a coherent curriculum and instructional goals Individualized leadership growth plans Building system-wide leadership capacity Focus on high leverage leadership practices Planning and goal setting Observation Data Analysis and Decision Making Strong practices for mentoring and coaching 9/9/201520