Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013 Introduction to ITU Regional Group of SG12 for Africa Gamal Amin ELSAYED RG-AFR Chairman ITU Workshop on “Benchmarking QoS Evaluation of Multimedia Networks” (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013) Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013
The framework of ITU-T The World Tele- communication Stand- ardization Assembly (WTSA) sets the overall direction and structure for ITU-T:World Tele- communication Stand- ardization Assembly (WTSA) it meets every four years defines the general policy for the Sector establishes the study groups approves their expected work programme for the next four-year period appoints their chairmen and vice- chairmen. 2
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013 Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) assemble experts from around the world to develop international standards known as ITU-T Recommendations which act as defining elements in the global infrastructure of information and communication technologies (ICTs).ITU-T Recommendations The ITU-T Standards 3
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013 ITU-T Study Groups Standardization work is carried out by the technical Study Groups (SGs) in which representatives of the ITU-T membership develop Recommend- ations (standards) for the various fields of international Tele- communications. ITU-T membershipRecommend- ations Standards are critical to the interoperability of ICTs and whether we exchange voice, video or data, mes- sages, standards enable global comm- unications by ensuring that countries’ ICT networks and devices are speaking the same language. 4
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013 In the ITU-T, Study Group 12 is the Lead SG on Performance and Quality of Service (QoS), a role that is increasingly important with the advent of commercial VoIP and packet-based next generation networks and terminals. With customers expecting the QoS of traditional communi- 5 ITU-T Study Group 12 - Performance, QoS and QoE cation services, it is crucial to be able to measure new parameters such as packet loss and jitter, and know their user impact. Thus, recent SG12 achievements include several new and revised standards on the planning and deployment of IP- based networks.
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013 Responsible for Recommendations on performance, quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE) for the full spectrum of terminals, networks and services ranging from speech over fixed circuit- based networks to multimedia applications over networks that are mobile and packet based. Included in this scope are the operational aspects of performance, QoS and QoE; the end-to-end quality aspects of interoperability; and the development of multimedia quality assessment methodologies, both subjective and objective. 6 Study Group 12 (Study Period ) Performance, QoS and QoE
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013 LEAD STUDY GROUP ROLES Quality of service and quality of experience. Driver distraction and voice aspects of car communications. 7
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013 Structure of Study Group 12 – performance QoS and QoE Question numberTitle Q1/12 SG 12 work programme and QoS/QoE coordination in the ITU ‑ T Q2/12 Definitions, guides and frameworks related to QoS/QoE RG-AFRITU-T SG12 Regional Group on QoS for the Africa Region (SG12 RG-AFR) QSDGQuality of Service Development Group 8
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013 Question number, etc.Title WP1/12Terminals and multimedia subjective assessment Q3/12 Speech transmission characteristics of communication terminals for fixed circuit-switched, mobile and packet-switched (IP) networks Q4/12 Hands-free communication and user interfaces in vehicles Q5/12 Telephonometric methodologies for handset and headset terminals 9
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013 Question numberTitle Q6/12 Analysis methods using complex measurement signals including their application for speech enhancement techniques and hands-free telephony Q7/12 Methods, tools and test plans for the subjective assessment of speech, audio and audiovisual quality interactions Q10/12Conferencing and telemeeting assessment 10
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013 Question number, etc.Title WP2/12Objective models and tools for multimedia quality Q8/12 E-Model extension in wideband transmission and future telecommunication and application scenarios Q9/12 Perceptual-based objective methods for voice, audio and visual quality measurements in telecommunication services Q14/12 Development of parametric models and tools for multimedia quality assessment Q15/12 Objective assessment of speech and sound transmission performance quality in networks 11
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013 Question numberTitle Q16/12 Framework for diagnostic functions and their interaction with external objective models predicting media quality WP3/12Multimedia Qos and QoE Q11/12 Performance interworking and traffic management for Next Generation Networks Q12/12 Operational aspects of telecommunication network service quality Q13/12 QoE, QoS and performance requirements and assessment methods for multimedia Q17/12Performance of packet- based networks and other networking technologies 12
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013 Regional Group on QoS for the Africa Region (SG12 RG-AFR) Objectives : During the study period , several actions have been done inside SG12 in order to implement WTSA Resolutions 17 (Telecommunication standardization in relation to the interests of developing countries) and 44 (Bridging the standardization Gap between developing and developed countries) and to take into account Resolution 123 of Plenipotentiary Conference. 14
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013 Regional Group on QoS for the Africa Region (SG12 RG-AFR) Objectives (cont): After a lot of consultations, it has been decided that the best approach should be to create a Regional group, as defined in WTSA Resolution 54. Study Group 12 established a Regional Group on QoS issues for Africa region (SG12 RG-AFR) at its May 2008 meeting. 15
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013 TERMS OF REFERENCE To encourage active participation of African administrations, regulators and operators in the work of ITU-T. To encourage active participation of African administrations, regulators and operators in the work of ITU-T. To boost discussions on QoS challenges facing administrations, operators and regulators in the continent. 16
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013 TERMS OF REFERENCE To encourage participation of African countries in Rapporteur’s meetings, workshops and other ITU-T Study Group 12 events. To encourage participation of African countries in Rapporteur’s meetings, workshops and other ITU-T Study Group 12 events. To encourage African countries to contribute to the development of new/revised ITU-T Recommendations. 17
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013 TERMS OF REFERENCE To encourage the African countries to actively participate in the Quality of Service Development Group (QSDG) and other QoS related meetings. To ensure that ITU-T provides relevant information on QoS standards applicable to telecommunication networks, including test equipment for QoS monitoring and measuring, and assists in their implementation. 18
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013 TERMS OF REFERENCE Act as liaison body between African telecommunication administrations/ operators/regulators and ITU-T in matters relating to QoS standards. 19
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013 Management team NAMECONTACT Gamal Amin ELSAYED SG12RG-AFR Chairman NATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION CORPORATION ALAMARAT - ST 21 P.O. BOX 2869 KHARTOUM SUDAN TEL: FAX: Robert Echeda SG12RG-AFR Vice-chairman UGANDA TEL: FAX: 20
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013 Working items for the next period Action Plan ActivitiesExpected Outcome Target date Responsibil ity Promote active and consistent Participati on and contributi on by African region Sensitize African countries to prioritize the activities of ITU-T SG12 Contact CEO of countries on commit- ments by members to be consis- tent July 2013TSB and ITU Regional Office to facilitate 23
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013 Action PlanActivitiesExpected Outcome Target date Responsibi lity Promote active and consistent Participatio n and contribution by African region Members to join mailing list On-goingAll members Prepare contributions to SG12RG- AFR meetings to be finalized for ITU-T SG12 consideration Roadmap for QoS of Packet based Interconnec ted Networks consented December 2013 Rapporteurs 24
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013 Action Plan ActivitiesExpected Outcome Target date Responsibi lity Promote active and consistent Participation and contribution by African region Prepare contributions to SG12RG- AFR meetings to be finalized for ITU-T SG12 consideration Draft E.CCH QoE - Definitions and associated measuremen t methods of user-centric parameters for call handling in cellular mobile voice service December
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013 Action Plan ActivitiesExpected Outcome Target date Responsib ility Promote active and consistent Participation and contribution by African region Prepare contributions to SG12RG- AFR meetings to be finalized for ITU-T SG12 consideration E.MQoS (Draft New Recommend ation on Mobile QoS) September 2014 Supplement XX to ITU-T E.800-series Recommenda tions (Guidelines on Regulatory Aspects of QoS) September
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013 Action PlanActivitiesExpected Outcome Target date Responsibi lity Promote active and consistent Participation and contribution by African region Update contact list of stakeholders in Africa o Regulators o Operators o Consumers Groups o Media o Academia Vendors Effective communica tion to all members. Focal persons to regional association such as EACO, WATRA, and CRASA shall coordinate with the Chairman to be able to promote the activities of the Group On GoingTSB and ITU Regional Office to facilitate 27
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013 Action PlanActivitiesExpected Outcome Target date Responsi- bility Review and harmonize from time to time performance QOS/QOE recommen- dations relevant to Africa Seek from ITU-T SG12 relevant information on standards about equipments and basic material to measure QoS/QoE Guidelines of Measurement equipment of QoS/QoE Nov Rapporteur s 28
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013 Action PlanActivitiesExpected Outcome Target date Responsi- bility Review and harmonize from time to time performance QOS/QOE recommen- dations relevant to Africa Promote exchange of informa- tion on QoS/QoE between African Telecomm- unication and regula- tory bodies. Members have started exchanging information as well as study visits and this will promote harmonization On- going All members 29
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July 2013 Action Plan ActivitiesExpected Outcome Target date Responsi- bility Develop Capacity of the African countries regarding QoS/QoE standards Workshop on bench-mark QoS/QoE evaluation methods, 18 July, Ouagadougou Guide and best practices. Concrete values and animation of tools used experience sharing July 2013TSB to facilitate one day workshop preceding next Regional Group meeting 30
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 18 July