Cindy W. Bennett, PhD District Transformation Coach – Warren County NCDPI
Standards Development Process College and career readiness standards College and career readiness standards K-12 learning progressions developed K-12 learning progressions developed Multiple rounds of feedback from states, teachers, researchers, higher education, and the general public Multiple rounds of feedback from states, teachers, researchers, higher education, and the general public Final Common Core State Standards released on June 2, 2010 Final Common Core State Standards released on June 2, 2010
Design and Organization Three main sections K−5 (cross-disciplinary) K−5 (cross-disciplinary) 6−12 English Language Arts 6−12 English Language Arts 6−12 Literacy in History/Social Studies, 6−12 Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Shared responsibility for students’ literacy development Three appendices A: Research and evidence; glossary of key terms A: Research and evidence; glossary of key terms B: Reading text exemplars; sample performance tasks B: Reading text exemplars; sample performance tasks C: Annotated student writing samples C: Annotated student writing samples
Four strands Reading (including Reading Foundational Skills) Reading (including Reading Foundational Skills) Writing Writing Speaking and Listening Speaking and Listening Language Language An integrated model of literacy Media requirements blended throughout Design and Organization
Grade-specific end-of-year expectations Grade-specific end-of-year expectations Developmentally appropriate, cumulative progression of skills and understandings Developmentally appropriate, cumulative progression of skills and understandings One-to-one correspondence with CCR standards One-to-one correspondence with CCR standards
Key Advances Reading Balance of literature and informational texts Balance of literature and informational texts Text complexity Text complexityWriting Emphasis on argument and informative/explanatory writing Emphasis on argument and informative/explanatory writing Writing about sources Writing about sources Speaking and Listening Inclusion of formal and informal talk Inclusion of formal and informal talkLanguage Stress on general academic and domain-specific vocabulary Stress on general academic and domain-specific vocabulary
Design and Organization Standards for Mathematical Practice Carry across all grade levels Carry across all grade levels Describe habits of mind of a mathematically expert student Describe habits of mind of a mathematically expert student Standards for Mathematical Content K-8 standards presented by grade level K-8 standards presented by grade level Organized into domains that progress over several grades Organized into domains that progress over several grades Grade introductions give 2–4 focal points at each grade level Grade introductions give 2–4 focal points at each grade level High school standards presented by conceptual theme (Number & Quantity, Algebra, Functions, Modeling, Geometry, Statistics & Probability) High school standards presented by conceptual theme (Number & Quantity, Algebra, Functions, Modeling, Geometry, Statistics & Probability)
Design and Organization
Middle School Mathematics -Probability and Statistics -Compacted standards -Grade 8 ramped up Algebra I standards for all learners 12
High School Conceptual themes in high school Number and Quantity Number and Quantity Algebra Algebra Functions Functions Modeling Modeling Geometry Geometry Statistics and Probability Statistics and Probability College and career readiness threshold (+) standards indicate material beyond the threshold; can be in courses required for all students. (+) standards indicate material beyond the threshold; can be in courses required for all students.
14 Implementation Timeline 14 Subject Area Where is NC in the adoption process? School Year School Year School Year English Language Arts (ELA) Common Core adopted June 2010 Current taught and assessed Common Core taught & assessed* Mathematics Common Core adopted June 2010 Current taught and assessed Common Core taught & assessed* Science Essential Standards adopted February 2010 Current taught and assessed New Essential Standards taught & assessed* Social Studies, Healthful Living, Arts, Guidance, World Languages Anticipated adoption of Arts and World Languages Essential Standards: September 2010 (Social Studies, Healthful Living, Guidance - Winter 2010) Current taught and assessed New Essential Standards taught & assessed* Career and Technical Education Anticipated adoption January 2011 Current taught and assessed New Essential Standards taught & assessed** Information and Technology Skills Essential Standards adopted September 2009 New Essential Standards piloted with current New Essential Standards taught Early Learning Anticipated adoption of Essential Standards: Spring 2011 Current taught New Essential Standards taught Extended Content Standards All Extended Content Standards will be on the same operational time line as the standards in each individual content area.