Portage High School Your Future Begins With Great Planning…
PORTAGE HIGH SCHOOL Many classes to explore interests Earn credits and grades Choose & work towards one (or more) of the three diplomas: Core 40, Core 40 Academic Honors, Core 40 Technical Honors All grades will count towards your GPA (Grade Point Average) Expanded opportunities in Sports, Music, JROTC, Clubs, Class Offices, Student Council & much more
CREDITS Each class earns one credit per semester; 7 classes = 7 credits each semester Year-long classes = two credits 14 credits per year can be earned 14 credits X 4 years = 56 credits are possible *Summer School = 2 credits (1 per session) per summer **Failed courses required for graduation must be taken again until passed
CORE 40 REGULAR 8 Credits of English 6 Credits of Math 6 Credits of Science 6 Credits of Social Studies 2 credits of PE 1 Health credit 7 credits of Directed Electives: (Personal Financial Responsibility, Career Exploration, any World Language, Fine Arts, and Career and Technical Education) 40 Credits (minimum)
CORE 40 ACADEMIC HONORS Complete all requirements for Core 40 Earn 2 additional Core 40 math credits Earn 6-8 world language credits (6 credits in one language or 4 credits each in two languages) Earn 2 Core 40 fine arts credits Earn a grade of “C” or above in courses that count toward the diploma Have a cumulative GPA of a “B” or above AND…
COMPLETE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: A.Earn 4 credits in 2 or more AP courses and take corresponding AP exams B.Earn 6 college credits in dual credit courses from priority course list C. Earn two of the following: 1. A minimum of 3 college credits from dual credit priority course list, 2. 2 credits in AP courses and take corresponding AP exams, D.Earn a 1750 or higher on the SAT critical reading, math, and writing sections and a minimum of 530 on each section E.Earn an ACT composite score of 26 or higher and complete written section
CORE 40 TECHNICAL HONORS Complete all requirements for Core 40, Earn grade of “C” or above in courses that count toward the diploma, Have a GPA of “B” or above, and Earn 6 credits in the college & career preparation courses in a College & Career Pathway (Career & Technical Education Program) and one of the following: 1. Pathway designated industry-based certification or credential or 2. Pathway dual credits from the lists of priority courses resulting in 6 college credits AND... Complete ONE of the following: A. Any one of the options (A-E) of the Academic Honors Diploma B. Earn the following scores or higher on WorkKeys: Reading for Information – Level 6, Applied Mathematics – Level 6, and Locating Information – Level 5 C. Earn the following minimum score(s) on Accuplacer: Writing 80, Reading 90, Math 75 D. Earn the following minimum score(s) on Compass: Algebra 66, Writing 70, Reading 80
DIRECTED ELECTIVES Beginning with the class of 2019, there will be added Directed Electives that all students must take: Personal Financial Responsibility (Most likely taken Junior Year) Career Exploration (Most likely taken Sophomore Year)
HIGH SCHOOL ASSESSMENTS Students are required to take the Graduation Qualifying Exam to graduate (Formerly known as ECAs and ISTEP+) Other Assessments taken: Star Reading Star Math PSAT SAT/ACT Acuity
95 % attendance rate Excused vs. Unexcused absences Tardies Key people to know for attendance: Mrs. Smith (Freshmen) Mrs. Spencer (Upperclassmen) Attendance Requirements
English 9 Algebra I or Geometry Earth/Space or Biology I Physical Education & Elective Geography & History or Elective English & Math Lab or Elective Elective A TYPICAL 9TH GRADE SCHEDULE
Course Request Forms Are Completed & Submitted & Online Scheduling THE COURSE SELECTION PROCESS Teachers Review & Recommend Classes We Review Requests & Teacher Rec’s, Making Adjustments As Needed
MAKING THE GRADE When a student is unable to pass a Required Course or Directed Elective it is the responsibility of the student to re-take that course during the next possible semester. This may include Summer School. Summer School will be offered to students as early as this summer! This opportunity may be used to remediate, get ahead, or to maintain skills for future success.
Parent’s Role 1.Check homework – some students may need to do more at home studying 2.Set a consistent time and space for studying 3.Check student’s progress frequently (online AND ask your adolescent) 4.Consider tutors – some students may need extra help with more rigorous classes - Study Tables 5.Review and help your child select classes 6.Get involved with their postsecondary preparation 7.Make sure that we have accurate contact information 8.Prepare your student for Freshman Orientation
Next Meeting: Orientation We will be having two days of Orientation for Freshman only. Mark your calendars for : August Hours: 8AM-1PM Busses will run on these days and lunch will be available
Mission: Graduation In four short years, we plan to have every incoming Freshman taking part in our graduation ceremonies. We cannot do it without your help and support! Thank you for attending tonight’s meeting!