From Primordial Ooze to Vertebrate – Engineering Faculty Leaders Cathy Cox Mission College Lesley Kawaguchi Santa Monica College Michelle Pilati Rio Hondo College
Evolution of Faculty
Identifying Ooze with Potential How do you do this? A starting point – identify your goals Who can help you achieve them? Are these your future leaders?
Academic Senate Leadership “Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.” Dwight D. Eisenhower
Points to remember.. Leaders are born – and, more commonly, developed. We are all learning. The best leaders are the ones that continue to learn. Learn your strengths and weaknesses and the areas you need balance in. Learn to delegate.
Engineering Leaders How do you entice faculty into serving on committees, and becoming local senate leaders?
Solutions – Where are you going? Develop goals – your own individual goals Develop goals - collegially developed senate/campus goals Place your goals on the senate agenda with updates Create a year-end report and evaluation of what your senate has achieved
Solutions – Human Resources Create lists of faculty members to choose from Don’t rely on those you know well Think broadly
Solutions – Human Resources Get suggestions Get those who are vocal involved Visit departments and talk about your plans -- get to know your faculty Ask people in person -- it’s harder to refuse immediately
Solutions – Human Resources Use new faculty orientation to introduce the senate and shared governance issues Conduct local workshops and faculty development to generate interest and enthusiasm Match people and their skills to positions
Solutions – Human Resources Encourage older faculty to mentor the new faculty Invite new hires to senate and committee meetings to observe Advertise the “wins” and accomplishments on committees Value and esteem faculty work - nominate participants for awards
Solutions - Education Demonstrate the value of what the senate does Educate local senators - –What are the 10+1? –Have you neglected any of the areas in which faculty should have primacy? –Is your senate really working to ensure the highest quality education for your students?
Strategic solutions – (if possible…) Try to limit the number of managers on your committees Create faculty co-chairs to foster teamwork Work with your bargaining agent to ensure reassigned time and faculty pay for senate work during intercessions and summer Coordinate with your union so that you do not duplicate work or overlap areas of responsibility
Other Solutions What has worked on your campus?
Local Senate Tools Place policies on Senate web site Provide a calendar of Senate events –Area Meetings/Plenary Sessions –ASCCC Institutes –Local Senate events Forward s of interest from the State level to key faculty to develop awareness of “big picture” statewide
Other Resources Review Title 5 and the Education Code (remember this is changing as we speak) Know the senate’s authority - Ten plus One Carry the card Add it to your senate agenda
Other Resources Use data available at the CCCCO website 50% law 75:25 FTES Faculty Obligation Number Fiscal Data abstract
Other Resources ASCCC Can Help Send faculty to ASCCC institutes and plenary sessions Use ASCCC Website with links Contact the Local Senates Committee Direct questions or issues to the ASCCC officers and executive director