5 th Grade Grading and Report Card Changes Common Core State Standards
Overview 0 Grades are given in 2 different ways. 0 Students receive a letter grade (traditional method). 0 Students also receive a standard based grade to show their growth toward 5 th grade common core standards. 0 Not all assignments given in class are recorded in the grade book. 0 Some assignments are given as practice for a particular concept. 0 If an assignment is given and used as evidence for a standard, then it is entered into the grade book.
Grade Level Expectations ADV Advanced— Student has met the criteria for the learning goal and has gone beyond grade level work in this area of the content. PRO Proficient— Student has met the criteria for the learning goal. BAS Basic— Student is making progress on the learning goal and understands the basic concepts. BEL Below Basic—Student demonstrates aspects of the learning goal with assistance. X Not assessed at this time * Differentiated curriculum
Sample Grades Math Investigations – Page 25 Letter GradeStandard Grade Sarah70% CPRO Graci95% APRO Josh80% BBAS Leigh60% DBEL
Report Card: Reading 12Sem34 Reading and Foundational Skills Key Ideas and Details Craft and Structure Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Range of Reading, Level of Text Complexity Phonics and Word Recognition Fluency
Report Card: Writing and Language Speaking and Listening 12Sem34 Writing and Language Text Types and Purposes Production and Distribution of Writing Research to Build and Present Knowledge Conventions of Standard English Knowledge of Language Vocabulary Acquisition and Use 12Sem34 Speaking and Listening Comprehension and Collaboration Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Report Card: Math 12Sem34 Mathematics Grade Problem Solving and Reasoning Operations and Algebraic Thinking Numbers and Operations in Base Ten Number and Operations - Fractions Measurement and Data, Geometry