Expand our Thinking See the Traditions as expansive rather than restrictive Don’t reduce Dreams because they seem “too out there” or because its never been done before Don’t let the fear of lack stop us from trying to expand our horizons Think abundantly Can we change our thinking? Isn't that what our Al- Anon recovery experience is about?
Dreams With this exercise we are going to expand our minds to the limits of our dreams to achieve the Boards Vision; “All people affected by someone's drinking will find help and recovery in every community”
Dreams From our Members Have an Al-Anon PSA played during the Superbowl Place billboards in all District’s Break the buck Have 4 Al-Anon members for every Alcoholic Have 100% group participation in WSO donations Use technology to reach a variety of cultures and rural areas Increase more “presumption of goodwill” Let all mental health professionals know about Al- Anon
Dreams Before we start identifying your dreams, because we are trying to live the spiritual principles I want to have a few moments of silence while you connect to that Spiritual Power of your understanding, then we will say the Serenity Prayer and open the floor for Dreams!!