Ancient History Project Mr Burton, Year 7 Class Berwick Secondary College
Who were the smartest ever people?
The purpose of this assignment is to: Find out about four great civilizations- Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient China and Ancient Rome Compare these civilizations with modern Australia Help you practice your research skills Help you practice your technology skills
Your project will include: 1)A PowerPoint presentation 2)A newsletter or brochure 3)A web page
PowerPoint presentation Choose one of the great civilizations (Egypt, Greece, Rome or China). Create a PowerPoint presentation showing how ‘clever’ this civilization was. (eg great inventors, schools, technological advances etc)
Do research in order to answer the following question: How smart was this civilization?
Next…… Imagine that you are living in the ancient world and produce a newsletter or brochure, exploring the ‘cleverness’ of one of the other great civilizations.
Your newsletter must include: A lead story Editorial/opinion piece Interview with a famous character Adverts Sport report Point/counterpoint article ‘Fun’ element (horoscope, cartoon etc)…but relate it to your civilization.
Next…… Produce a website on one of the civilizations you haven’t done. Consider how smart that civilization was by comparing it to modern Australia.
Your web page must consider the following: Discovery and learning Technology Transport Leaders Sport Any other topics you wish to add.
Evaluation Project grade will be based on the elements outlined on your evaluation sheet.
ANSWERS TO FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS You will work in groups of 4 to 6 (to be chosen by me) You must choose 3 civilizations- one for each project You will have access to the library and computer PODs The project is worth 50% of your global grade. The grade will be marked down 10% for every day late. Other questions?? ?????????
When taking ideas, pictures or other items from a published source, (such as the internet) you must be aware of copyright laws. If you take text from another person’s work you may use 10% or 1000 words, whichever is less. If you take illustrations or graphics, you may use five images per artist or 10%, whichever is less. In your Brochure you may only use one graphic per website. If you are not sure, or have questions, ask !!! YOU MUST CITE ALL SOURCES OF TEXT, ILLUSTRATIONS AND OR GRAPHICS THAT YOU USE. Eg Donn Lin and Don “Daily Life in Ancient Rome The Life & Times of Early Man!. Oct July 17, COPYRIGHT RULES
Let’s take a look at some samples Let’s look at a sample: PowerPoint presentation newsletter web page. Good luck!! © State of Victoria 2003 This work has been created by the teachers listed below as employees of the Department of Education and Training, Victoria and copyright is owned by the Crown in right of the State of Victoria. It may be reproduced in whole or in part for study or training purposes, subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgment of the source and no commercial usage or sale. Reproduction for the purposes other than those indicated above requires the written permission of the Department of Education and Training. Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction and copyright should be addressed to the Liability Management Manager, Department of Education and Training, 2 Treasury Place, Melbourne, VIC, 3002 The State of Victoria accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any part of this material and bears no responsibility for any modifications made. List of teachers name and materials produced –D. Burton - ‘Ancient Civilisations’ Unit Plan & Teacher Support materials.