The Protestant Reformation.  Reformation- Religious revolution that split the church in Western Europe  Causes Church money hungry (Indulgences)  Not.


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Presentation transcript:

The Protestant Reformation

 Reformation- Religious revolution that split the church in Western Europe  Causes Church money hungry (Indulgences)  Not worried about saving souls Corruption within the hierarchy of the church  Not teaching moral leadership Humanists first to openly not attend church but to rather gather independently and focus the gatherings on personal faith and spirituality

 The Beginning Germany (300 independent city states)  Very unstable Johann Tetzel- Monk sent to north Germany to collect money for the church to help build St. Peter’s Basilia.  Sold indulgences (pardons from punishment for sins)  This angered northern humanists/ they wanted the church to be more spiritual

 Martin Luther He left law school to join a monastery in search of salvation He was not comforted by the churches practices He was AGAINST indulgences Developed own ideas  Good deeds didn’t matter faith in God counted  Simple faith could lead to salvation  “justification by grace through faith”

 Martin Luther’s Protest 1517 posted 95 th thesis on the church door 95 points that he didn’t agree with about the church Chttp:// the Bible was the sole religious authority Because of the challenge he was kicked out of the church  1520 openly disagrees with the church but didn’t want to leave the church  “priesthood of all believers” ??????  1521 excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church  Led to Schism (split/separation)

 Diet of Worms King Charles V holds an imperial diet (gathering) of the empires rulers in the city of worms King Charles V tells Martin Luther to abandon his beliefs and ideas  Luther refuses  Frederick the wise was the ruler of the area where Luther lived and hid Luther from punishment  While in hiding he translates the Bible into German.  Why important?

 Protestantism The princes who supported Luther and opposed (or protested) the banning of Luther's ideas, beliefs and works Later the princes started the Lutheran church around Luther’s beliefs and teachings  Big idea: all could understand and interpret scripture  This movement touched a desire among many Western European Christians to strive for a more direct faith

 The Spread of Protestantism Charles V compromised and allowed each city- state allowed to practice its own religion Sects- religious gatherings of people who shared the same beliefs many lead by a preacher (many died out)

 The Anglican Church – Church of England King Henry VIII cause the break between the Roman Catholic Church and England Before 1519 defended church against reformation “defender of the faith” Wanted divorce and wasn’t granted by the Pope  splits from the church and begins the Anglican Church where he is the head of the church not the pope

 Calvinism Named after and based after the beliefs and teachings of John Calvin  He was the head of the protestant church in Switzerland  Published “The Institutes of the Christian Religion”  Explained what the faithful should believe on every major religious question  Huldrych Zwingli influenced John Calvin and was a fan of Erasmus and called for reforms before Luther  Friend of Luther just had different views

 Calvinism Cont. Predestination- belief that at the beginning of time God decided who would be saved  Elect: those chosen for salvation  Lived very strict lives and had high moral codes and were completely devoted to Gods wishes Huguenots- High ranking nobles who converted to Calvinism in France 1562 bloody civil wars between Huguenots and Catholics  1598 Edict of Nates allowed to worship freely and have political rights

Theocracy- a government ruled by the religious leaders who claimed God’s authority  Strict laws: no card playing, dancing, profane language or showy dress  Were to live by moral codes and were to be examples to others

 The Counter-Reformation- Catholic reformation, return the church to have an emphasis on spiritual matters, made doctrines more clear and stop the spread of Protestantism  Counter Reformation Tactics Pope Paul III  Revived a spiritual outlook on catholic church, bishops changed to devout and learned men  Brought the inquisition to Rome (punished heretics)  To keep Catholics in church not searching out others

 The Council of Trent Church leaders met three times to define official church position on matters of the doctrine  Ended indulgences / discipline within the clurgy  It worked, people liked the beautiful churches, respected the priests, were comforted by ceremony, and liked the ability to be saved through good deeds

 Jesuits- Society of Jesus Ignatius de Loyola- founded Jesuits in became an official order Spread Catholicism, ran the order like military Stressed education, founded colleges that had humanist values with catholic doctrine

 Results of the religious upheaval Education, literacy *reading* Increase in power if the national governments and less for the pope