The Stripling Warriors Alma 51-59
What is the relationship?
The Stripling Warriors The War Chapters Alma President Henry B. Eyring: “As the forces [of sin] around us increase in intensity, whatever spiritual strength was once sufficient will not be enough. And whatever growth in spiritual strength we once thought was possible, greater growth will be made available to us.” (“Always,” Ensign, Oct. 1999, 9).
Alma 53 Verse 10 Verses Verses 16-18
The Stripling Warriors Find an attribute of these men from Alma The War Chapters Alma :17 53:19 53:20 53:21 56: :56 57:19 57:21 57:26 57:27 58:10 58:11 58:40
The Stripling Warriors The War Chapters Alma Of these attributes, which does a missionary need most? Which do you want to develop? Why? What can you do to develop it in yourself?
The Stripling Warriors The War Chapters Alma Elder Russell M. Nelson: “[You] will encounter people who pick which commandments they will keep and ignore others that they choose to break. I call this the cafeteria approach to obedience. This practice of picking and choosing will not work. It will lead to misery. To prepare to meet God, one keeps all of His commandments. It takes faith to obey them, and keeping His commandments will strengthen that faith” (“Face the Future with Faith,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2011, 34).
The Stripling Warriors The War Chapters Alma Mormon Message: Mothers & DaughtersMothers & Daughters
The Stripling Warriors The War Chapters Alma “While we are profoundly grateful for the many members of the Church who are doing great things in the battle for truth and right, I must honestly tell you it still is not enough. We need much more help. … We need you. Like Helaman’s 2,000 stripling warriors, … you too can be endowed with power to build up and defend His kingdom. We need you to make sacred covenants, just as they did. We need you to be meticulously obedient and faithful, just as they were.” (“The Greatest Generation of Missionaries,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2002, 46–47).
The Stripling Warriors Who assembled them together? Alma 53:16 How many? Alma 56:46 & Alma 57:6 (Why the increase?) How many died? Alma 57:24-26 (What if you could say the same for your quorum or class or family or friends?) The War Chapters Alma 43-63
The Stripling Warriors The War Chapters Alma Mormon Message: The Freedom ToThe Freedom To
The Stripling Warriors Alma 51-59