Andrea Chapdelaine Albright College
A teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities. - National Service-Learning Clearing house
Enhanced personal efficacy, identity, spiritual growth and moral development Improved interpersonal, communication and leadership skills Stereotype reduction, increased intercultural understanding Increased commitment to service and civic engagement Enhanced learning of course content, ability to apply learning, problem-solving skills, critical thinking
Service Learning
1. Community Partnership Service-learning project is: Developed, implemented, and evaluated in collaboration with the community partner Responsive to community-identified concerns 2. Learning Directly ties to student learning objectives Provides vehicle to facilitate deep learning of SLO’s 3. Reflection Attempts to balance the service that is provided and the learning that takes place Enhances learning through critical reflection
Agreed-upon mission, values, goals, and areas of responsibility Principles and processes for the partnership are established with the input and agreement of all partners Relationship characterized by mutual trust, respect, genuineness, and commitment Builds upon identified strengths and assets, but also works to address needs and increase capacity of all partners Balances power among partners and enables sharing of resources Clear and open communication an ongoing priority, frequent feedback for continued improvement Final products are agreed upon, as well as when partnership is expected to dissolve
1. Begin by assessing and building upon the value and importance of what each side brings to the table. Be creative as to how resources and assets are defined. 2. Find areas of common ground before defining roles and processes. 3. Seek to provide resources that communities can then use to develop their capacity to help themselves. 4. Establish real and accessible channels of communication. 5. Be rigorous in your dedication to comprehensive evaluation and intentional change.
SLOs should be clearly identified as learning or service objectives. SLOs should be consistent with established course, program and institutional outcomes. Share and explain SLOs and student course requirements with community partners. Ensure SLOs are measurable and observable.
Provides time and place for students to learn from their SL experiences. Most effective way to link classroom learning with SL experiences. Gives students’ opportunity to practice critical thinking, to explore self development, and to recognize accomplishments and/or areas for improvement or further study.
Structured and guided Frequent Clear criteria for evaluation Requires integration of SLOs and SL experiences Includes both private and public reflection Fosters personal growth and identity development TYPES: group discussion, journals, photo/video journals, blogs, directed writing
1. Know institutional polices and procedures to develop service-learning course Department, curriculum committee approval Administrative support offices 2. Identify liability and risk management issues 3. Identify community partner and establish agreement for partnership 4. Determine and acquire needed resources
5.Promote course to students 6. Resolve all logistical issues 7. Develop and implement student preparation/training 8. Develop course syllabi 9. GO!