BOARD ORIENTATION Argonaut Rowing Club July 2011
Topics Purpose Vision, Mission Goals, Org chart Governing Documents Board Responsibilities Practical Board Tips The Officers Portfolios Board Meetings Recruiting Leaders Legal considerations Ongoing Issues July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club2
Ground Rules Relax and be comfortable. Listen so that your leadership years will be as effective and powerful as possible. Ask questions as they arise. Think in terms of your role as a director; responsible for the well-being and future of this organization. July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club3
Purpose of Board Orientation To share key information about the organization. To focus on the strategic direction, mission and goals of the organization. To encourage questions and to explore opportunities for the organization. July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club4
Vision & Mission Statements Vision: The Argonaut Rowing Club will be a centre for excellence in rowing and will inspire a lifelong passion for the sport of rowing in all members. Mission: The ARC provides a wide variety of premier quality, rowing skills development programs, based on the fundamentals of the Long-term Athlete Development Model outlined by Rowing Canada. We are volunteer driven, proud of our tradition of rowing excellence, strengthened by our membership of highly skilled rowers and coaches. July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club5
Goals: Implement RCA’s Long-term Athlete Development model (LTAD) within all ARC programs Promote sportsmanship and camaraderie both on and off the water Provide top quality training facilities and access to high quality rowing water July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club6
Organizational Chart July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club7
The Governing Documents July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club8
The Tools of Governance The Bylaws Policies & Procedures Strategic Plan – Budget for Current Year July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club9
By-law Purpose, structure, operating procedures (meetings, quorum, elections, voting) Duties of executive & key committees Membership (application, fees, suspension, expulsion) July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club10
Policies & Procedures 1. Club Rules 2. Safety Policy 3. Penalties & Infractions / Collisions & Investigation 4. Waiver 5. Member code of conduct 6. Harassment and Human Rights Policy 7. Volunteering 8. Singles, doubles, private crew boats storage policy & contract 9. Volunteer Policy and Support fee refund 10. Fundraising 11. Communications 12. Lifetime Members July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club11
Strategic Plan (09-12) See attached Word document July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club12
Budget See Excel document July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club13
Board Responsibilities - 1 Direction setting - Set and understand vision, mission values, strategic goals Managing financial resources Managing human resources – volunteers and staff Roles - Strengthen programs and services for members - Determine, monitor and delegate as appropriate Fiduciary - Ensure legal and ethical integrity; act honestly, in good faith, best interests of organization Recruit - new leaders (committee or Board members). Promote the organization’s image. July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club14
Board Responsibilities - 2 Evaluate - Assess and measure organizational and staff performance. July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club15
Practical Steps for Bd. Service Attend all board meetings. Start and end meetings on time. Study and understand the bylaws, policies and goals. Prepare for meetings by reviewing the agenda and supporting documents. Treat information and discussions as “confidential.” July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club16
Practical Steps for Bd. Service Promote the Club to others. Recruit future leaders to help govern the Club. Stay current on issues and trends impacting the Club and the membership. As a portfolio holder, form a committee and recruit helpers. Assist with fund raising as appropriate. July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club17
The Officers The officers have special duties described in the bylaws. In many Clubs the officers make up an Executive Committee July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club18
Role of the President Serves as chief elected officer of the organization. Presides over all meetings or designates a person to do so. Leads performance reviews of board at the end of each year Stakeholder relations (Trust, other Clubs, City, etc) Administration (staff supervision) July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club19
Role of the Vice President Serves in the absence of the president. Performs such duties as identified in the bylaws or assigned by the president. July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club20
Role of the Secretary Oversees the custody of all records, except financial records. Monitors the accuracy and timely distribution of meeting minutes. Performs such duties as identified in the bylaws or assigned by the president. Often chairs a bylaws, governance or nominations committee. July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club21
Role of the Treasurer Oversees all funds and financial records. Prepares an annual budget for approval. Keeps records of all income and expenses; oversees audit Undertakes investments Signing authority on bank accounts Responsible for filings required by law associated with finances. Recruits and trains Assistant Treasurer Performs such duties as identified in the bylaws or assigned by the president. July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club22
Financial Responsibilities The board should carefully review all financial reports. The treasurer should prepare and propose an annual budget. The treasurer will present a financial report for the previous period, at each meeting. An annual financial audit is performed by an independent accountant & reported at the AGM July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club23
Portfolios Each Director has responsibility for a portfolio and should recruit people They help the board get work done. They identify potential leaders. They serve as a way to segment and serve the interests of subgroups of members. July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club24
The Portfolios Administration, Trust Committee & Stakeholder Relations Rowing Communication & Media Membership & Safety Fundraising Communications/Media Facilities Introductory Support Programs Events July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club25
Board Meetings The Preparation Notice and materials will be distributed a week in advance of meetings – 4 th Monday Review the agenda to determine how you should prepare for the discussions. Prepare a portfolio report and provide to Secretary a week in advance of the meeting. Whenever possible, formulate and ask your questions before the meeting. Check annual Directors Calendar July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club26
Board Meetings The Agenda The agenda is prepared by the Secretary with consideration of business arising, current issues, member needs and pending business. If you have input for the agenda, be sure to provide it to the Secretary well in advance of the meeting. July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club27
Board Meetings Minutes Minutes are a legal record of the meetings. They are not a record of side conversations or a reminder document for Board members. The minutes are to be approved at the next convened meeting of the board. Portfolio reports record activity of Directors’ portfolios— advise members on action taken Minutes and Portfolio reports are posted on the website six weeks after the meeting has taken place July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club28
Board Meetings The Rules of Order Procedural rules are used to maintain order at meetings. All persons must be recognized by the chair before speaking. Time limits may be set on certain topics. Learn the basics of rules of order to be sure motions and procedures are understood to your benefit. July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club29
Recruiting Leaders A responsibility of board members is to identify future leaders. Every Board member has a key role by recruiting potential new members for committee roles Committees may be a source of future leaders. July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club30
Measuring Performance “How do we compare?” is a common query of board and staff. There are numerous ways to measure performance. How does the organization measure performance? Consider these options….. July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club31
Measuring Performance Compare the organization with the operating ratios (budgets) of similar Clubs to measure income and costs. Survey members to determine satisfaction. Seek an outside performance review by a committee or professional experienced in conducting operating assessments (York University Strategy Study ). July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club32
Board Legal Considerations Duty of Knowledge Good business judgment at all times. Know the By-laws and follow them Duty of Care Act honestly as would any reasonable person in a similar circumstance. Fiduciary Duty Act in good faith in the best interests of the Club Duty to Avoid Conflicts of Interest Declare a conflict when one arises Not participate in nor attempt to influence the decision- making July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club33
Legal Considerations (2) Indemnification Directors and officers liability insurance July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club34
Current Issues July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club 35
Thank You for Serving! The board experience should be a positive one. The board is the caretaker of the organization. The board speaks as a whole, no board member should have more input or authority than others. Always ask questions as they arise. Thank you for serving on the board! July 2011Argonaut Rowing Club36