Use a plan review Keep Score Provide incentives for positive behavior Manage knowledge retention & transfer Follow up for Sustainable Results Cox Ch 7
Substantive & regular review of diversity goals involves Knowing current numbers of demographic profile of org AND knowing what is being done to improve it Ensuring action on a broad scope Evaluating the process to ensure consistency of effort and success Possible questions to ask during a review: Tab 7.1 Plan Review Process
Leaders should Invest time to learn enough about diversity to ask detailed & tough questions during planning review Investigate how the change process is being conducted Ensure that diversity goals be as demanding as manufacturing or financial ones e.g., zero harassment incidents, all workers report feeling respected etc. Plan Review Process
Facilitates precise goal setting Strengthens performance management efforts Fulfills psychological & emotional need among those involved in change effort Use variety of metrics: demographic profile, percent change on survey data, employee turnover rates, percent of plans implemented on time Distribute performance incentives based on goals achieved Keeping Score
By Walking around When in a meeting of people involved in certain types of jobs, visually gauge the diversity of group Gauge climate via Visual inspection of mix of people who interact with each other Gathering informal feedback from employees in between annual climate surveys Make progress towards diversity goals visible by posting signs & graphs (or other means of company-wide advertisement) Keep Score
Use a plan review Keep Score Provide incentives for positive behavior Manage knowledge retention & transfer Mid-lecture Review
Monetary Rewards Define behaviors clearly Incentive compensation for performing behaviors Sets the priority for such behaviors Establishes alignment between goals and rewards Generates focus on priorities for planning period Limitations on how to measure diversity-related performance should not be an excuse for lack of incentives Challenges of providing adequate monetary rewards to lower-level employees for diversity- related performance should be overcome by implementing other types of incentives Provide Incentives for New Behaviors
Examples of Personal & Group Recognition Annual awards for leadership given by CEO Provides individual recognition Reinforces message that managing diversity is a high priority in the organization Establishes connection between top leaders with those at other levels Paid days off for best ideas on diversity Increases motivation to work on diversity goals Increases employee involvement & creativity Members on award selection committee should be carefully selected from various jobs and have knowledge of diversity-related performance/behavior Diversity champion awards Provide Incentives for New Behaviors
Opportunities for Advancement Ability to manage diversity well is a criterion for promotion decisions Ensures that those who oppose diversity goals are not put in positions of influence Diversity competence is a threshold factor for promotion (i.e., candidates who don’t have diversity competencies not considered for promotion) Promote people based on reputation & performance on managing diversity Negative-diversity related behaviors should elicit strong consequences for accountability to be effective Provide Incentives for New Behaviors
Knowledge Management (KM) Promotes sharing of knowledge, experience & information throughout organization See also pg. 142, Tab 7.2 Diversity KM Improve execution of programs & initiatives Share knowledge more effectively Avoid duplication of effort Ensure leveraging of best ideas to prevent loss of time Especially important for training programs & alignment of HR processes Managing Knowledge Retention & Transfer
Key Success Factors of Diversity KM Senior Management Support Understand that retaining & distributing diversity- based knowledge is a competitive advantage & prioritize it during communications w/direct reports Assign responsibility to someone at enterprise level to coordinate the collection & dissemination of how to do diversity change mgt well Managing Knowledge Retention & Transfer
Key Success Factors of Diversity KM Develop knowledge-sharing culture Do not regard info as a source of power Do not reject or take little interest in ideas of other units Do not believe that own unit has better ideas than other units Managing Knowledge Retention & Transfer
Key Success Factors of Diversity KM (cont’d) Existence of Multiple Channels for Sharing Knowledge The corporate diversity officer alone cannot transfer knowledge on diversity work Organize diversity conferences for change leaders from different units &/or by top leaders of units where internal change agents share learning about how to manage diversity Create computer database of knowledge on managing diversity Create network of employees (diversity coordinators) who form communication links between organizational units Managing Knowledge Retention & Transfer
Use a plan review Keep Score Provide incentives for positive behavior Manage knowledge retention & transfer Summary