Leadership Development Presentation to the School Board Patrick Bryan Principal on Special Assignment April 19, 2011 ACHIEVEMENT + ALIGNMENT + SUSTAINABILITY
MCA-II Reading Proficiency Trend , All tested grades Source: Minnesota Department of Education ACHIEVEMENT + ALIGNMENT + SUSTAINABILITY
“We need to implode old structures that reinforce old behaviors and paradigms and create new ones to yield new behaviors and desired outcomes.” ACHIEVEMENT + ALIGNMENT + SUSTAINABILITY
“I’d like the opportunity for deep, frank, honest conversations about the real work at our sites.” ACHIEVEMENT + ALIGNMENT + SUSTAINABILITY
“We need to work on things that are important to our building.” ACHIEVEMENT + ALIGNMENT + SUSTAINABILITY
“Trust is critical if we are really going to make a cultural shift that results in leaders being the lead learners.” ACHIEVEMENT + ALIGNMENT + SUSTAINABILITY
“ It’s alignment: we need to have a clear vision for the school and we need to keep our focus narrow.” ACHIEVEMENT + ALIGNMENT + SUSTAINABILITY
“For leaders, it is more important to ask the right questions than to have the right answers.” ACHIEVEMENT + ALIGNMENT + SUSTAINABILITY
A New Paradigm for Leadership Development Authentic learning in context: learning while doing the work Differentiated opportunities based on strengths and needs Targeting individuals and teams Focused and aligned to each school or department strategic plan Sustained, long-term Trust, collaboration, reflective practice: A culture of learning ACHIEVEMENT + ALIGNMENT + SUSTAINABILITY
Which is a more effective way to develop reading skills? ACHIEVEMENT + ALIGNMENT + SUSTAINABILITY
Which is a more effective way to develop leadership skills? ACHIEVEMENT + ALIGNMENT + SUSTAINABILITY Authentic learning in context: learning while doing the work. (The New Paradigm)
Leadership Development Supports Strong Schools, Strong Communities Goal 1: Achievement Strong instructional leaders Shared leadership Skilled, active teacher leaders Targeted, differentiated learning opportunities ACHIEVEMENT + ALIGNMENT + SUSTAINABILITY
Leadership Development Supports Strong Schools, Strong Communities Goal 2: Alignment Learning networks of leaders Clearly identified objectives and expectations Differentiation of supports across career stages ACHIEVEMENT + ALIGNMENT + SUSTAINABILITY
Leadership Development Supports Strong Schools, Strong Communities Goal 3: Sustainability Leaders accountable to each other Partnerships Continuous feedback loops Cost-effectiveness ACHIEVEMENT + ALIGNMENT + SUSTAINABILITY
Examples of New Leadership Development Opportunities Learning Catalyst Cohort Critical Friends Network Job-Embedded Coaching ACHIEVEMENT + ALIGNMENT + SUSTAINABILITY