Firms should be fast and responsive. This requires responding to customers' needs for quality, variety, customization, convenience and timeliness. Meeting these new standards requires a team of managers that is well developed and technically trained in all respects. It requires people who are capable of analyzing and solving problems, working cooperatively in teams and 'changing hats' and shifting from job to job as well. 2
Training is the most important aspect of manager development It is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for performing a particular job. The major outcome of training is learning. A trainee learns new habits, refined skills and useful knowledge during the training that helps him improve performance. Training enables an employee to do his present job more efficiently and prepare himself for a higher-level job. 3
Newly recruited managers require to be developed so as to perform their tasks effectively Instruction, guidance, coaching help them to handle jobs competently, without any wastage. Training is necessary to prepare existing employees for higher-level jobs (promotion). Existing managers require refresher training so as to keep abreast of the latest developments in job operations. 4
Development is necessary to make managers versatile. They can be placed on various jobs depending on organizational needs. Development is needed to bridge the gap between what the employee has and what the job demands. Development is needed to make employees more productive and useful in the long-run. Training is needed for employees to gain acceptance from peers 5
Awareness is a state of consciousness. It is the ability to recognize yourself, others, events and situations in real time. It is the ability to assess the impact of actions on situations and others, and be critically self-reflective. It is a development process that is a function of experience, communication, self discovery and feedback. 7
Ability to learn and understand technical issues is the basis of our careers. Ability to lead is a function of influence: › Ability to communicate › Ability to resolve conflicts › Ability to solve problems and make decisions As a member of a team, we influence others in a collaborative effort to find better ideas or solve problems. 8
For leaders, the “one thing” that leads to maturity is the fully aware recognition that one’s decisions make a difference, both positively and negatively, in the lives of others, and that any attempt to solve a problem might have a decided negative impact on some, while helping others. In no-win scenarios, one must still make a hard decision. 9
Guiding vision Effective leaders know what they want to do, and have the strength of character to pursue their objectives in the face of opposition and in spite of failures. The effective leader establishes achievable goals. 10
Passion Effective leaders believe passionately in their goals. They have a positive outlook on who they are, and they love what they do. Their passion for life is a guiding star for others to follow, because they radiate promise! 11
Integrity: Because they know who they are, effective leaders are also aware of their weaknesses. They only make promises they can follow through on. Honesty: Leaders convey an aura of honesty in both their professional and their personal lives. Trust: Effective leaders earn the trust of their followers and act on behalf of their followers. 12
Curiosity: Leaders are learners. They wonder about every aspect of their charge. They find out what they need to know in order to pursue their goals. Risk: Effective leaders take calculated risks when necessary to achieve their objectives. If a mistake is made, the effective leader will learn from the mistake and use it as an opportunity to explore other avenues. 13
Dedication: The effective leader is dedicated to his or her charge, and will work assiduously on behalf of those following. The leader gives himself or herself entirely to the task when it is necessary. 14
Charisma: This may be the one attribute that is the most difficult to cultivate. It conveys maturity, respect for your followers, compassion, a fine sense of humor, and a love of humanity. The result is that leaders have the capability to motivate people to excel. Listening: Leaders Listen! This is the most important attribute of all, listen to your followers. 15
Drive Desire to influence others Honesty & Moral character Self-confidence Intelligence Relevant knowledge 16
Leadership – soft skills Communications Motivation Stress Management Team Building Change Management Management – hard skills Scheduling Staffing Activity Analysis Project Controls 17
An effective team helps one feel they are: Doing something worthwhile for themselves and the organization Enjoying a more satisfying work life More in control of their jobs Making contributions which are well used Learning new skills Recognized and respected 18
When a team is operating well the leader and the members: Are clear on team goals and are committed to them Feel ownership for problems rather than blaming them on others Share ideas Listen to and show respect for others Talk more about “we” and less about “I” and “me” 19
Understand and use each others know-how Know about each other’s personal lives Give each other help and support Show appreciation for help received Recognize and deal with differences and disagreements Encourage development of other team members 20
Make decisions based on facts not on emotion or personalities Play a variety of roles – serve as leader, teacher or coach 21
Knowledge Technical Skills Social Skills Techniques Attitudes 23
Refresher training Cross-functional Training- involves training employees to perform operations in areas other than their assigned job Team Training Creativity training 24
The JIT method (developed during World War II) is a four-step instructional process involving preparation, presentation, performance try out and follow up. It is used primarily to teach workers how to do their current jobs. A trainer, supervisor or co-worker acts as the coach. 25
The four steps followed in the JIT methods are: 1. The trainee receives an overview of the job, its purpose and its desired outcomes, with a clear focus on the relevance of training. 2. The trainer demonstrates the job in order to give the employee a model to copy. The trainer shows a right way to handle the job. 3. The employee is permitted to copy the trainer's way. Demonstrations by the trainer and practice by the trainee are repeated until the trainee masters the job. 4. The employee does the job independently without supervision. 26
Coaching covers daily training and feedback given to employees by immediate supervisors. Involves a continuous process of learning by doing. It is an informal, unplanned training and development activity provided by supervisors and peers. In coaching, the supervisor explains things and answers questions; he throws light on why things are done the way they are; he offers a model for trainees to copy; conducts lot of decision making meetings with trainees; procedures are agreed upon and the trainee is given enough authority to make divisions and even commit mistakes. 27
The goal of coaching is not to provide direction, but to enable team members to work together to help one another find direction. Coaching is the foundation for continuous improvement. Coaching is a practical skill anyone can learn. 28
1. Identify an opportunity to help someone expand on his or her skills, knowledge and abilities Coaching is a chance to help someone enhance his or her performance and add value to the organization/team. Sometimes, people may ask for coaching, but don’t wait for that to happen. Act on opportunities for coaching at any time. 29
2. Confirm that the person is ready for coaching. Before trying to coach, make sure the person is open to it. If a person seems hesitant, try explaining the benefits, but don’t insist on coaching someone who simply isn’t receptive. To ensure a win- win situation, find out if the person is willing before proceeding to coach. 30
3. Ask questions and offer information to help clarify the situation. Much of coaching involves helping people clarify situations in their own minds. Often, the best way to do this is by asking open-ended questions that encourage them to think through the situation aloud. Begin questions with words like what, when, where, who and how much. 31
4. Help the person identify possible actions. The best coaching enables people to think and act on their own. As you help someone identify immediate actions, you’re also preparing the person to work through similar issues without your help. Offer guidance as he or she develops a plan. 32
5. Gain agreement on a course of action. In coaching, you help someone plan how to handle a situation. To be certain that the session results in positive action, you need to gain the person’s commitment to a specific plan of action. 33
6. Offer your support. The ultimate goal of coaching is to enable a person to act independently. Most people need assurance and support before they can reach that goal. As a coach, you need to let the person know you’re available to give further assistance – or further coaching- when it is needed. Coaching isn’t a quick fix or a one-time shot, it’s an extended relationship. 34
Mentoring is a relationship in which a senior manager in an organisation assumes the responsibility for grooming a junior person. Technical, interpersonal and political skills are generally conveyed in such a relationship from the more experienced person. A mentor is a teacher, spouse, counsellor, developer of skills and intellect, host, guide, exemplar, and most importantly, supporter and facilitator in the realisation of the vision the young person (protege) has about the kind of life he wants as an adult. 35
Involves the movement of trainee from one job to another. This helps him to have a general understanding of how the organisation functions. The purpose of job rotation is to provide trainees with a larger organisational perspective and a greater understanding of different functional areas as well as a better sense of their own career objectives and interests. Apart from relieving boredom, job rotation allows trainees to build rapport with a wide range of individuals within the organisation 36
In this method, trainees are asked to solve an actual organisational problem. The trainees have to work together and offer solution to the problem. Assigning talented employees to important committees can give these employees a broadening experience and can help them to understand the personalities, issues and processes governing the organisation. 37
The lecture is a traditional and direct method of instruction. The instructor organizes the material and gives it to a group of trainees in the form of a talk. To be effective, the lecture must motivate and create interest among the trainees. 38
This is a group-centered approach The trainer delivers a lecture and involves the trainee in a discussion so that his doubts about the job get clarified. When big organisations use this method, the trainer uses audio-visual aids such as black boards, mockups and slides; in some cases the lectures are videotaped or audio taped. 39
The subject matter to be learned is presented in a series of carefully planned sequential units. These units are arranged from simple to more complex levels of instruction. The trainee goes through these units by answering questions or filling the blanks. This method is expensive and time- consuming. 40
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