The VICTORY Model for Successful Leadership By Nancy Bolt, Nancy Bolt & Associates For Mortenson Center for International Library Programs October, 2005
What we will do today What are the characteristics of Leadership? How do these apply to national libraries and national library associations? Leadership in these organizations
VISION What is the vision of success? How is success defined? For the organization For the user Use Impact
INVESTIGATION Getting input From staff From users Listen Find out what might go wrong Data Does vision need to be changed or just the methodology?
COMMUNICATE “The essence of leadership is the communication of commitment.” Charlie Robinson, former director of the Baltimore County Public Library Getting buy-in from staff so they accept the vision as their own and merge self-interest with organization and user interest Trust -- Seek information and respond to it Set the boundaries for action Motivate and Influence
DECISIVENESS Plan strategies Make a decision Courage (not absence of fear but willingness to go on in spite of fear) Be willing to take calculated risks
TEAMWORK Establish an atmosphere of teamwork Develop teams and leadership Build competence and confidence Leaders must re-evaluate the practice of solving problems for others and be willing to learn with their staffs Teach people to solve problems Make decision process clear
RESILIENT Evaluate actions toward vision Rebound from failure “The adaptive leader must be able to model risking new behavior and learn alongside everyone who is involved in the change effort. This is a vulnerability many leaders resist.” Susan DeGenring Support continuous growth even in the face of failure Responsibility for what happens Be flexible in considering new ideas
LEADERSHIP BY ORGANIZATIONS Who are the leadership organizations in your country? National Library? National Library Association? Large libraries?
Role of the National Library Association Advocacy For a role of libraries in a democracy For equal right to information for all citizens For literacy For funding Publicity Campaigns such your library National Library Week Summer Reading Programs Training Conferences Workshops Consulting
How do leadership skills apply to an organization? Vision for the organization The Board must establish a vision and goals for the organization? What needs to be done to improve libraries in the country? How might this be accomplished? Discover member and user’s needs Ask members Ask community leaders Ask national political leaders
Communicate the organization’s vision and goals and activities To the members To the public To political leaders Change the perception of the library Teamwork, must rely on volunteers Volunteer yourself Permit staff to volunteer and give time Support the association
Board must decisively plan and take action What needs to be done? Who’s in charge? When is it due? What resources are needed? The Board must be resilient Leadership changes regularly New leaders must be developed The Board must take risks There is protection in numbers Base decisions on data
What you can do Volunteer to be a leader in your organization You can volunteer You can allow your staff to volunteer Your organization can provide support Help develop national library policy Advocate for a new role of libraries Ask the hard questions You can make a difference
Contact Information Nancy Bolt Nancy Bolt & Associates 9018 Ute Drive Golden, CO USA (phone) (cell) (fax)