By Megan Swick Kevin Derajtys Jonathan Lee
Definition of consent Sexual misconduct myths Freshman orientation presentation Restorative justice on the college campus Working with leaders on campus—such as student athletes and officers/members of Greek life—to serve as positive role models for the rest of the campus community
Consent: to permit, approve, or agree; comply or yield When someone consents, it means that they are voluntarily entering into an activity A person under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or not in a clear state of mind cannot give consent They are allowed to change their minds! We need to reinforce the idea that at any time consent can be withdrawn.
“It’s the victim’s fault.” “Most allegations are false.” “She just wanted to get back at him.” “They were drunk.” “They knew each other, so it wasn’t rape.” “Sexual assault only happens in heterosexual relationships.”
Incoming freshmen will be required to attend a presentation by the Women’s Center. Objectives: Encourage students to have a mutual respect for one another Take stigma out of talking about sexual violence Students should learn what to do if they are sexually assaulted This presentation will cover: Domestic violence Dating violence Sexual assault Stalking Societal myths, bystander intervention, alcohol
Theater company will act out scenarios that demonstrate consensual and nonconsensual acts. ◦ Audience members will identify the type of act being presented. Victims of sexual violence will speak. Campus police will speak about consequences for offenders After a large group presentation, students will form small groups to have a circle discussion facilitated by leaders of the Women’s Center. ◦ Discussion topics : Identifying stalking, assault, sexual violence How to be an advocator for those affected Consent and alcohol
Question and Answer for large group At this time, Women’s Center leaders will take questions from the audience. Information and resource pamphlets will be distributed. Information for students who want to be further involved with preventing sexual violence on campus. ◦ Includes phone numbers and Social Media links Resources for victims Lunch will be served to all attendees
Resources provided to students will include Social Media links for victims and advocates to connect. ‣Facebook: o Sexual violence statistics regularly posted to encourage discussion between Women’s Center leaders and students o Facebook event pages to promote upcoming events on campus ‣Twitter o Encourage students to become advocates by retweeting Women’s Center posts Accounts will be regulated by the group’s leaders to ensure appropriate content
Educate the campus community on the principles of restorative justice (RJ) Build student capacity for evaluating the impact of their behavior on the community (Karp & Conrad, 2005) Use RJ to ease the adversarial relationship between students, administrators and campus safety officers so students feel more comfortable bringing their concerns to administrators or campus police
Focus on the harms that have been done Understand the direct and indirect harms (individual and community) Involve both victim and offender in the justice process Empower victims and respond to their needs as they see them Support offenders while encouraging them to understand, accept and carry out their obligations to the victim(s) and the community Encourage mutual respect for all involved parties (Zehr & Mika, 1998)
As part of new student and transfer orientation, have presentations about RJ and small group discussions led by trained student representatives and/or student affairs personnel Small group discussions: ◦ Campus safety ◦ Mutual respect for all campus community members ◦ Definition of consent ◦ Reporting options ◦ Address the sexual misconduct myths from the earlier slide
We need to encourage serious dialog among the membership Let the organizations know that safety is everyone’s responsibility With the fraternity/sorority officers acting as examples, emphasize that keeping people safe is ultimately in the community’s best interest
Arrange with fraternity and sorority leaders to address the membership Address each fraternity/sorority individually Organize focus groups of 5 or 6 individuals. Pose some questions to each group:
What does sexual assault mean to you? Who is responsible for the safety of individuals in your house? How important is it to the organization to have a reputation as a safe place to socialize? What is the fraternity or sorority willing to do to make that happen? What can the organization do to serve as a positive role model on campus?
Student athletes can be leaders and examples for the rest of the campus Using a similar approach to that used with the fraternities and sororities, address the teams one at a time and break into small focus groups Use the groups to examine attitudes toward sexual assault
Ask questions about sexual assault. Have any members been the victim of sexual assault? Ask for ideas about how the team can voice their opposition to sexual assault. Reinforce the idea that athletes can act as role models for the rest of the campus community.
Emphasize the athletes’ position as authority figures in the school! If the athletes speak out against violence, other students will listen Emphasize that this issue needs to be treated seriously. If the athletes lead, others will follow.
Karp, D., & Conrad, S. (2005). Restorative justice and college student misconduct. Public Organization Review, 5(4), Zehr, H., & Mika, H. (1998). Fundamental concepts of restorative justice. Contemporary Justice Review, 47(1), Campus Sexual Assault: Suggested Policies and Procedures (2013). Academe, 99(4), University of Michigan. (n.d.). SAPAC Sexual Assault Prevention & Awareness Center. Programs & Initiatives to Address Sexual Assault., Intimate Partner Violence, Stalking, and Sexual Harassment Prevention. Retrieved from