“F ITLY F RAMED ” Session #6 Making A Difference This series was written by the General Home Missions Director, Rev. Carlton L. Coon, Sr.


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Presentation transcript:

“F ITLY F RAMED ” Session #6 Making A Difference This series was written by the General Home Missions Director, Rev. Carlton L. Coon, Sr.

B IBLE P ERSPECTIVE “Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God; {20} And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; {21} In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: {22} In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.” Ephesians 2:19 ‑ 22

R EVIEW OF P AST L ESSONS  Fitly Framed’s goal: to help you be fruitful and fulfilled in a meaningful place of service.  Fitly Framed’s process of discovery, consultation, and service  Why we are to serve: to glorify God and edify others.  How we are to serve: according to our passion, motivational gifts, and temperament  We have talked about finding your passion and finding a place for it to be utilized.

R EVIEW OF P AST L ESSONS Motivational gifts answer the “what” question. What do we do with our motivational gifts: 1. Use them to benefit others. 2. We are not to neglect our gift. 3. Our gift colors all that we see. 4. Each gift is of equal value. What we are is God’s gift to us. What we make of our lives is our gift to God.

D ISCOVERY 1. Self-understanding - Knowing, understanding, and exercising our motivational gifts start with self- understanding. The objective of the motivational gift profile that you completed several weeks ago was to start you in the direction of understanding your personal gifts. 2. After self understanding we look for affirmation of our motivational gifts from the body of Christ.

T HREE G ENERAL C AUTIONS 1. The first caution is projection. When a person projects his/her motivational gifts on others, that person is saying, “Do as I do.” When we have a particular motivation gift, it is easy for us to expect others to serve as effectively as we do. We need to be careful to avoid projecting our motivational gifts on to others and expecting everybody to be like us.

T HREE G ENERAL C AUTIONS 2. Second cautionary note is elevation. Elevation is saying, “I have a more important motivational gift than you.” That is a real temptation to hold our motivational gifts up as more helpful to the body than other motivational gifts. We want to be treated as special. We may be tempted to magnify the importance of our motivational gift and discount others.

T HREE G ENERAL C AUTIONS 3. Third: Rejection. Motivational gift rejection says, “I don’t have a motivational gift.” We deny the truth and do not accept God’s motivational gift. We hinder His work in the world. He has carefully selected which motivational gift He wanted each of us to have. When we project, elevate, or reject, we do not glorify God or edify others.

D EFINING M OTIVATIONAL G IFTS Prophets --c learly perceive the will of God. Server--l ives to serve others. A good word for this person is “doer.” Teacher--l ives to communicate truth. A teacher loves to research. Exhorter--l oves to encourage others to live in victory. These are extremely positive people who can equally well be called “encouragers.”

D EFINING M OTIVATIONAL G IFTS Giver--o ne who loves to give time, talent, energy, and means to help others and advance the Gospel. Administrator--l oves organizing, leading, and directing. Other words - facilitator or leader. Mercy Person--s hows love and care to those in need. Another word is compassion person.

M OTIVATIONAL G IFT P ROFILE The Motivational Gifts Profile and the Individual Passion eevaluation will help you clarify where you should serve and what you should do when you serve. Let’s take them again now.

D ISCOVERING A REAS OF M INISTRY The two situations found on your student handout link passion and motivational gifts and give examples of possible areas of ministry for each combination.

H UDDLE G ROUPS OF 3 OR 4 Further clarify your motivational gifts by sharing with your group: 1. Your area of passion & your primary motivational gift and why you think you have it. 2. Caution you think you have to be aware of when using this gift. Listen to others in your group as they share their motivational gifts and gain a better understanding of the motivational gifts of others. Help them clarify areas of ministry that they can use their gifting.

L INKING M OTIVATIONAL G IFTS TO P ASSION What questions does your passions answer?? Where should I serve? What question does your motivational gift answer? What should I do when I serve?