The Church prepares the catechumens for the "enlightenment" of baptism. At the same time her prayer ascends for all the faithful, asking God to « increase the faith of the Christian people.» Today, Jesus Christ asks each one the question: « Do you believe in the Son of Man? » It’s up to each one to reply: « Lord, I believe » ; each one is to worship his Lord.
T he expectancy of men converges toward Jesus our Saviour. He confides in the Father: « The Lord is my shepherd... He leads me in right paths for the honour of his name. » So there will be a choice: light or darkness; today in celebrating Christ, the light of the world, believers are called to a new impetus in their desire to follow Jesus.
B efore the Lord God, there is no need to wonder if events that affect us do not match our wishes, our choices. The Lord God knows what he is doing, and he acts according to what is best for us. Against all logic, God chooses an unknown youngster, David.
T he Lord leads his people. He is the shepherd, the true king. The psalm joins up with the text of Samuel: the King remains the Lord. It is in him that we must place our trust: « The Lord leads me along the right path...»
P aul knows that Christians who now form the young community of Ephesus have many victories to win. But the battles are not the same as in David’s time. The combat against the manifestations of darkness is to be won with new and spiritual weapons: kindness, justice and truth. The disciples therefore, in their attitude, must fully trust in their Lord: « Live as sons of light! »
J ohn, the Evangelist retains only a limited number of encounters with Jesus. He has chosen them carefully, and elaborates on them so they become stories that offer teachings on Christian faith. Here, a blind person, in the dark since taking his first breath, regains his sight through Jesus. In fact, the evangelist presents the Risen Christ. With the Risen Christ, we at last enter into the divine light.
Prayer to Christ Lord Jesus we bless you: what you accomplished for the blind person, you want to accomplish for all of us in this place where we gather together, in this Eucharist when you come to our lead, and where each one is called to say to you: « Lord, I believe. » Fill us with confidence and we will proclaim our faith, happy to be the people in who your grace takes action, or where each one marvels at what you have done and continue to do in him and for him, in all and for all. Amen.