INTEGRATED BUILDING DESIGN For Client : Infosys Technologies, Hyderabad Architects/Engineering Consultants : Sundaram Architects Pvt Ltd. Bangalore. Team : Ashwini, Amit, Asawari, Bharath, Debarshi, Milind, Manish and Suvojit.
General Information about the Project Ground plus one storyed structure(two levels). Principally a cafeteria(Food Court) for the employees of Infosys Technologies, Hyderabad. Capacity 750 seating. Also designed for an alternative use as an auditorium(first floor). Shape of structure :Umbrella shaped. Dimensional details: Total height= 20 mts, diameter = 50mts. Shell structure. Drawings available(as of now) : Ground Floor, Master Plan for the Food Court
Various Spaces……ground floor. Aerobics Gymnasium Dormitories Kitchens Café Stores AHU spaces Infosys Shop Area for table tennis and billiards. Lockers Bank and ATM
Services and major areas of work targeted. Architectural Planning and Design. Design of various basic services like Lighting, HVAC, Security System, Fire Protection. Acoustic Design. Network Design for the entire structure under discussion. Structural Work : Shell Structure Project Management :Planning, Design and Execution stage of Project.
Our Contribution Amit, Ashwini, Bharat……… Work with the structural consultants to arrive at an efficient and cost effective shell structure for the Food Court. Use existing
Our Contribution Suvojit, Milind…….. Arrive at an architectural plan that provides for maximum utilization of space. Also use the IT knowledge and work with various consultants to design various services for the space. Make new tools if required while working with the external agencies.
Our Contribution Debarshi…… Introduces the concept of automation of services as required by the client. Emphasis is on the acoustics design for the space in concern.
Our Contribution Manish, Asawari……. Use existing and formulate new management tools(using IT) to the planning and the designing stage of the project Also use monitoring tools, if required, during the execution of the project.
Architecture…… Absorb the client requirements, and come out with alternatives to the existing architectural plan. Suggest if any order of space or design can be bettered. Discuss various spaces in the project with the client. Discuss the various services required for the same. If alternatives not determined then analize the existing plan for energy efficiency, eco-friendly ness, cost-effectiveness, ideal landscaping etc.
Services…… Prepare a questionnaire to obtain the client requirements. Refer existing standards for the corresponding work. Conduct extensive discussions with the various external agencies to arrive at efficient designs Use IT tools(existing and make) to design the various intricate calculations for services like HVAC. Perform simulation for services :Lighting, HVAC. Submit regular reports on the same. Preparation of drawings as per the design decided if required by the client.
Acoustic Design……. Obtain client requirements through a questionnaire. Consider existing standards and design using IT tools (not available commercially). Try and design an enviornment friendly acoustic design
Project Management…… Obtain the client requirements in terms of time. Decide upon all the three resource requirements. Make formats(preferably without the use of paper) and other applications so as to facilitate instant information exchange between all the agencies involved. Prepare charts as required to indicate efficient planning and monitoring methods. Implement various monitoring models else customize them as per the clients requirement for this project.
Structural Design….. Calculate all the structural requirements of the structure under concern after the architectural plan is finalized. Use existing packages like Staad and Ansys for the efficient design of the same. Refer the respective standards concerned with the Shell Structure design. Prepare drawings as per the clients requirements. Convince the client of the structural design made.