Using Graphics to Present Information Preparing viewer-friendly slides
Many kinds of visuals
Plan on using no more than slides for a minute talk. –Temptation is to have too many! Consider all delivery methods –You might consider other methods in addition to computer projection. Begin planning visuals as soon as outline is completed.
Creating Visuals Simplify the proposal or report graphics (graphs, tables, etc.) Think BIG. Include mapping visuals.
Use both kinds of visuals on slides. Mapping –maps structure of talk –mostly words Data presentation –graphs, bar charts, etc. –mostly images Design Criteria for New Software Compatibility with current software Cost to develop Cost to consumer Adherence to industry standards
Presentations allow parallel processing of information. Hearing and reading Words and images Make full use of this double opportunity –Use words as images –Make visual anything you can (even processes and concepts)
First Two Slides of a Presentation 1.Title slide –Includes your name and affiliation –Usually includes date. –Often includes name of event 2.Outline or introduction slide/s –Introduces topics, concepts, information to be discussed –Don’t make this generic! –Use a visual.
Communicating Environmental Risks with Stakeholders Hillary Hart Dept. of Civil Engineering University of Texas at Austin STC Conference May 2007
Outline Research objectives Background Methodology Results and Discussion Conclusions
Problem 1 Too Much Electrical Consumption Cause Lighting Computer Operation Cooling (HVAC) Effect Use up natural resources Add CO 2 to the environment Global Warming
Problem 2 Paper Waste Cause Bad Printing Habits Effect Tree Clearing Less CO 2 Sequestered Global Warming
The Goal Reduce the LRC’s Carbon Footprint
Titles Researchers have studied effectiveness of one- or two-word titles. Guess what? They are not very informative. What would be a better title for this slide? Put your main point at top of slide.
Short sentences make meaningful titles. Consider using title font smaller than the default. Try to keep bulleted lists to a minimum.
The experimental phase of the project had two steps. 1.Duplicate Browning’s experiments using zinc to treat drinking water. 2.Analyze our data and interpret any differences from Browning’s results.
Use the assertion/evidence strategy. Main point (assertion) in sentence form. Picture/graph/chart
The field phase will determine applicability of the zinc method to drinking water- treatment systems in northeastern Ghana. Photo: Katherine Alfredo 2005
Make information visual.
PowerPoint encourages overuse of bulleted lists! Remember the “bad” slide?
Planning Different retention rate –Listening vs. reading –Talking vs. writing Listeners not in control Audience not all technical Presentation linear –Thinking not linear Easy to get off target Use an outline Divide into 3 parts Build in visuals Introduce yourself Don’t stop in tracks at end
What’s wrong with the previous slide? Bulleted lists make the eyes glaze over.
Use the assertion/evidence strategy.
3 Too much text; key assertion buried
3 cubic inches Collision object that was simulated Size of foam piece that struck the Shuttle 1920 cubic inches Our models did not predict tile damage, however, the foam piece was larger than what we simulated.
PowerPoint Pointers Use the design templates rather than the “AutoContent” wizard. Or customize slide master. Be careful about colors – use very dark text on very light background or vice versa. –Avoid red text Either keep slides consistent in design or vary according to subject matter. Experiment with animations and dimming, but be cautious.
Beware of PowerPoint excesses. Don’t overdo the special effects Or your audience will be distracted by your design tactics and won’t get the right message!!
Make the right point with each of your visuals. Be careful of frivolous use of clip art.
Design Guidelines for Slides Design each slide to make one main point. Two visuals may be better than one. Use pt. minimum font for text. Use 18 pt. minimum font for axes Sans serif font projects best (Arial, etc.). Use few words; separate with lots of white space. No more than 7-8 lines No more than 7-9 words/line
What’s wrong with this visual?
Delivering your visuals... Leave up visual only as long as you’re talking about it. Remember that YOU must still be the focus.
How you present the data can mean the difference between life and death. See Tufte’s famous “damage index” – a better way to present information about the possible o-ring failure that caused the Challenger disaster. –from Visual Explanations (2000)
Data on o-ring damage in field tests were used to calculate damage scores. Scores were then plotted against temperature.