Selbsteinschätzung für Führungsteams als Diagnose Dr. Clemens Schmoll 1
The following slides have been designed to give you the opportunity to consider some questions regarding your current managerial situation. Answering the questions will allow you to make a self assessment in the relevant areas of top- management. The questions are only a guideline to help you to realize the hot topics in your case and they don`t need to be answered in great detail or depth. We would, however, like to ask you to reflect a little in advance. Please make some notes on the slides about your findings so that we can discuss them during our meeting Dr. Clemens Schmoll 2
4 dimensions for Top-Leaders Dr. Clemens Schmoll 3 To design and implement strategy- processes Organisational culture Creating the appropriate organisation design Finding the right management-process Establishing the right process- management Change management Organisation/Leading the company Leading management teams Ability to live the double role (international vs. national management teams) Giving feedback to managers Solving tensions in management teams Solving conflicts between departments Leading management teams Ability to adapt to different cultures Ability to adapt to different situations Getting things done The right use of emotions Self-management Completing the operational task (sales, production, development. marketing) Operational tasks
Questions – Leading Management Teams Dr. Clemens Schmoll 4 How clear is the global strategy-process? How clear and settled is the strategy process in my local business unit or department? How do we manage the implementation of the strategy? How do we measure the success? How do we get a holistic view (like BSC) about our business unit? How do the departments in my unit interact and cooperate? How do we measure and take care of the quality in our core-process and management-process? How clear are roles and competencies for managers? How do we manage quality? How do we discuss quality issues? How do we manage change-projects or tasks? How fit are we to cope with increasing complexity?
Questions – Leading Management Teams Dr. Clemens Schmoll 5 How effective is our interaction in management teams? How are decisions made in our management team? How clearly are skills for managers described, measured and discussed? (also future skills?) How do I influence the development of my managers and management teams? How are conflicts solved in my management teams (local and international management teams)
Questions – Self-management Dr. Clemens Schmoll 6 How easy is it for me to adapt to new cultures? How comfortable do I feel in different teams? How easy is it for me to adapt to new situations? How good is my self-management? How easy is it for me to deal with uncertainty and fast-changing situations?