Important Information About Gifted Education and Students
Asynchronous Development Gifted students develop unevenly academically socially emotionally Many adults treat gifted children like little adults because of their advanced vocabularies and complex speech patterns. But emotionally and socially they are often closer to their true age.
Gifted Children are intellectually, emotionally, socially, and culturally diverse! Gifted children are sweet, kind-hearted, funny, fun- loving, social, creative, impulsive, sensitive, competitive, cooperative, reclusive, leaders, loners… They also come from different cultures and ethnic backgrounds, but many minority students are underrepresented in gifted populations. We continually work on improving identification methods…
Common Traits: positive and negative So, how can regular education teachers spot a gifted student?: Common Traits: positive and negative Asks questions Can be confrontational Are very curious Can get fixated Get involved mentally and physically Can be hyperactive Play around and still get good grades and test scores Can be lazy Questions answers Can be insubordinate Prefer adults or older children Can be misfits Show strong feelings and opinions Can be immature and intense Are bored, already know the answers Can be disengaged, depressed Are highly critical of themselves Can be perfectionistic and obsessive
Bright Child vs. Gifted Learner Knows the answer. Asks the questions. Is interested. Is highly curious. Is attentive. Is mentally involved. Has good ideas. Has wild and silly ideas. Works hard. Plays around, yet tests well. Answers the question. Discuses in details, elaborates. Top group. Beyond the group. Listens with interest. Shows strong feelings, opinions. Learns with ease. Already knows. 6-8 repetitions for mastery. 1-2 repetitions for mastery. Understands ideas. Constructs abstractions. Enjoys peers. Prefers adults. Grasps the meaning. Draws inferences. Completes assignments. Initiates project. Is receptive. Is intense. Copies accurately. Creates a new design. Enjoys school. Enjoys learning. Absorbs information. Manipulates information. Technician. Inventor. Good memorizer. Good guesser. Enjoys straightforward, sequential presentation. Thrives on complexity. Is alert. Is keenly observant. Is pleased with own learning. Is highly self-critical.
New Challenges for Legacy students Many students that are highly gifted have never had to: Work hard in a class Acquire and utilize study skills Acquire and utilize organizational skills Ask questions for help understanding Share the spotlight in class Do appropriately leveled homework Many students have difficulty forming relationships because: They feel more comfortable with adults vs. peers They need to share the attention of the teacher They need to be willing to listen to others and their ideas They need to take and give constructive criticism
Now What? Gifted Packets are due on Wednesday, August 14. If you feel a student may benefit from Gifted services: Contact me and give me the child’s name and contact information. Contact the parent and express your desire for their child to take part in the gifted test. Upon approval from the parent, send a gifted packet home. Gifted packets are available in the front office or you may request one from me., room 1117 Feel free to ask any questions. I am here to help.