Running Effective Issue Campaigns Val Vilott Outreach Associate for Family Economic Security, Education and Employment National Women’s Law Center
Part One – What’s a Campaign? What campaigns are we NOT talking about? Electoral Media What we want to focus on: Direct action – the people directly impacted by something organize, decide on a solution, and then take targeted action to change the status quo. Advocacy – organizations or groups advocate for a community facing a problem, with or without those people knowing it. Combined efforts – direct action with advocacy – almost always yields better results.
Some Truths Issue Campaigns require PLANNING, even when you might feel you’re doing it on the fly. Everyone has limited capacity. Acknowledge your limitations and be realistic about goals, but never underestimate yourself. Campaign planning takes time, but it can lead to higher rates of efficiency and success. So how do I do it?
Key Considerations: This chart is a tool, not a solution. The best strategies can fail because there aren’t the right people in the right place at the right time to implement them. Fill it out from the start This is a living document. Changes happen. Keep in mind the “Ripple Effect” – a change in one column should ripple forward to the other columns and backward to the goals.
Organizational Considerations
Constituents, Allies, & Opponents
Some Questions to ask: How many members do they have? Do they work for (or vote for) someone you are dealing with either as a target or a supporter? Have they already or will they potentially give money to your campaign? Do they have special credibility? e.g. clergy, special interest groups, community leaders Do they have unique or special appeal? e.g. children, veterans Are they organized? If they are, make sure you know who their leadership is. Do they have a reputation you need to be sensitive of? e.g. unions are tough, business leaders are conservative Are they newsworthy? (Think: Warren Buffett)
Tactics (the fun part)
Bringing it all together…
` Empower your base to Toward So they give you Action! Decision- makers Strengthen your base To Ultimate Goal !!! To continue the fight for Take What you want A GOOD CAMPAIGN WILL …
Part Two – Put it into action! Breakout sessions – 25 minutes to fill in a chart based on scenarios provided Report back We’ll talk through your charts