Agenda Freshmen - Annotating Chrysanthemum & Summarizing & Word Web & Activity Juniors - Crucible Act I & Computer Lab
Monday, October 13 Coronation/H.O.F. Schedule All periods are 45 minutes long Spirit Day: Black Tie (or dress in black) 1 st Period 7:20am - 8:05am 2 nd Period 8:10am - 8:55am 3 rd Period 9:00am - 9:45am 4 th Period (bulletin-start of 4th) 9:50am -10:40am Lunch 10:40am - 11:12am 5 th Period 11:15pm-12:00pm 6 th Period 12:05pm-12:50pm Assembly 1:00pm - 2:03pm
Good Morning/Afternoon Step 1: Please grab your notebook (Juniors Need Crucible) 2.Step 2: Please open your notebook to a new page or where you left off of from yesterday, date it, and label it Crucible Act I We are going to watch a video about the Salem Witch Trials Summarize the video in one detailed paragraph. THEORY 3
Good Morning/Afternoon Step 1: Please grab your notebook Step 2: Please open your notebook to a new page or where you left off of from yesterday, date it, and label it Journal Image Association Describe the picture to the right in complete sentences. >>>> Prediction: List three (3) things that a flower might represent
Chrysanthemum by Steinbeck 1.Read Chrysanthemum closely and analytically. ● Make sure to annotate the story as you go along highlighter or not the annotations are the important part. I prefer them in the margins and complete sentences. ● Questions - Multiple Levels of Questions - Starting with “I wonder…?” ● Comments - Opinion on the text - Starting with “I think…” ● Connections - To Text, To Self, to World - Starting off with “I Know…” or “This reminds me of…” 2.Summarize the story on the back of the theme word web. This should not be pages of writing to summarize give a brief statement of the main points of the story. 3.Fill out the theme word web
For your designated page… Read the entire page out loud, no stopping Discuss, decide, and do the following: 1.Underline the most significant word, short phrase, or sentence that describes Elisa. 2.Circle the most significant word, short phrase, or sentence that Elisa says. 3.Do a squiggly line under the most significant word, short phrase, or sentence that someone else says to Elisa. For all three, write in the margin and explain why they are significant. What do we learn about Elisa?
In your new group... One person leads a discussion about his or her page. The leader should: Ask your tablemates to turn to the page Read the three words/phrases/sentences that you marked Explain why you marked them. Ask for questions. Tablemates: Take notes Ask questions! Contribute ideas Then, switch leaders, lather, rinse, repeat.
Socratic Seminar Questions What does Elisa want? Why can’t she get it?