STRATEGIC HR MANAGEMENT Definition: Strategic Human Resource Management is the process of linking the Human Resource function with the strategic objectives of the organization in order to improve performance.
STRATEGIC HR MANAGEMENT An organization’s human resource management policies and practices must fit with its strategy in its competitive environment and with the immediate business conditions that it faces. The implication of HR strategic choices for Organization's performance is certainly the key factor to gain competitive advantage.
STRATEGIC HR MANAGEMENT HR Strategy Business Strategy Environmental Influence
STRATEGIC HR MANAGEMENT Concept: An organization’s HRM policies and practices must fit & integrate with its strategy in its competitive environment and with the immediate business conditions that it faces. The concept of integration has three aspects: The linking of HR policies and practices with the strategic management process of the organization. The internalization of the importance of HR on the part of line managers. The integration of the workforce into the organization to foster commitment or an ‘identity of interest’ with the strategic goals.
STRATEGIC HR MANAGEMENT Political Forces Mission & Strategy Cultural Organizational Structure Human Resource Mgmt. Economical
STRATEGIC HR MANAGEMENT Corporate Level Strategy Business level Strategy Functional level Strategy Human Resouce Management: Philosophy, policies, programmes, practices, processes, relationships with employees, trade unions, contractors & Govt. Agencies.
STRATEGIC HR MANAGEMENT THREE LEVELS OF STRATEGIC HR MANAGEMENT Corporate Level Strategy: What Business are we in? Where we want to be? Business Level Strategy: How do we compete? (SWOT) Functional Level Strategy: How do we support the business level Competitive strategy?
STRATEGIC HR MANAGEMENT REQUIEMENTS: Basically a Top management’s job Strong commitment at top Dynamic/charismatic leadership Percolates down with HR Strategies, Organization, Policies, Programmes & Procedures. Effective feedback
STRATEGIC HR MANAGEMENT STEPS INVOLVED: Assess how well Human Resources Management is linked to Organisation’s mission accomplishment; Explore the role played by the HR staff in Organisation’s strategic planning; Determine how the HR service providers work with line managers to carry out organisation’s strategic goals; and Identify best practices aligning HRM with the agency strategic plan and goals.
STRATEGIC HR MANAGEMENT - POWERGRID To meet additional/changing work demand Campus recruitments Vs open advertisements Training & Development Specialization Vs Generalization (Multi skill) approach Compensation Packages & Career growth opportunities. To attract and retain best manpower against competition from IT & other Sectors.
STRATEGIC HR MANAGEMENT - POWERGRID IT based HR systems: To reduce time consumed & error in processing. Improved & open performance assessment system: To motivate employees. Employee welfare programmes: To ensure social bondage among employees and commitment towards organisation.
STRATEGIC HR MANAGEMENT - POWERGRID Effective Feedback system: To ensure changing requirement of employees & external environment & to be proactive in implementation and revision of HR policies.