1 APPENDIX A Cluster 1 Modifications and Cluster 2 Design September 2009 HR Solutions Center
2 Next Steps To consolidate existing staff providing Human Resources services and support to all “President’s Plus” Units (i.e. UDAR, Public Safety, Legal, Public Relations/Affairs, SVP Health) as well as the Registrar and ITS into Cluster 1 (i.e. the OEVP HR Solutions Center). Create Cluster 2 by consolidating existing staff providing Human Resources service and support to all units in Central Provost (Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aid, Office of VP Student Affairs, Student Health, Athletics, Senior Vice Provost for Research) into a second cluster reporting into Cluster 1 Executive Director. Consider creating cluster 3 pilot of small school HR staff.
3 Why Cluster? Assures consistent application of HR policies, and delivery of HR services Leverages efficiencies and economies of scale Avoids legal and financial risk Enhances ability to provide strategic HR services Provides seamless backup for team members’ vacations and other absences Delivers “high touch” support and service
4 71% of surveyed organizations have restructured HR within last 3 years Rationale cited for restructuring HR include: 74% Better align HR with broad business strategy 50% Changes in HR roles and responsibility 29% Better serve global workforce 19% Reduce HR budget 12% Merger and acquisition activity 10% Outsourcing Why Cluster?
5 HRSC Clusters As Colleagues To UHR Founded on the basis of shared resources, information and professional partnerships Partners and accesses the talent and expertise of the entire University HR team Expands the capacity of both groups to address more effectively employee concerns and University priorities Exceeds the HR service and support needs of the clients
6 Current Structure – HR Solutions Center – Cluster 1 Controller/ Treasurer Internal Audit University HR Central Provost (Bobst) Presidents Office OEVP Chief of Staff FCMCampus Services Housing/ Res Ed Units Currently Supported by Cluster 1 SVP Health
7 Current Structure – Business Partners (4 FTEs) – Managers (3 FTEs) – Generalists (2 FTEs) Proposed New Structure – Senior Business Partner (1 FTE) – Business Partners (4 FTEs) – Generalists (4 FTEs) Rationale for New Structure – Eliminates the “Manager” layer which is redundant to the “Generalist” layer – Streamlines the lines of responsibility – Adds greater control of the work product and enhances customer service – Adds a Senior Business Partner who serves as the Cluster Team Leader – FTE neutral while creating a more effective and efficient organizational structure Cluster 1 - Current Structure vs. Proposed New Structure
8 Current Structure – Possible Add-ons to Cluster Total Employees 1:74
9 Current Structure – Possible Units for Cluster Total Employees 1:61
Controller/Treasurer Internal Audit University HR President’s Office OEVP/ Chief of Staff F&CM Campus Services Housing/Res Ed SVP Health ITS Legal Public Safety UDAR Public Relations Undergrad Admissions VP Student Affairs Student Health Center Athletics Registrar Central Provost (Bobst) Total # of Cluster 1 employees supported: 1824 HR to employee ratio: 1:166 Total # of Cluster 2 employees supported: 665 HR to employee ratio: 1:110 Proposed New Structure HR Sol Center Cluster 1 Staff HR Sol Center Cluster 2 Staff HR Sol Center Exec Director Units Supported by Cluster 1 HR Sol Center Staff:Units Supported by Cluster 2 HR Sol Center Staff:
HR Solutions Center Executive Director Sr. Business Partner Cluster 1 Leader Sr. Business Partner Cluster 2 Leader Business Partner A Business Partner B Business Partner C Business Partner E Business Partner F Generalist A* Generalist B* Generalist C* Generalist D* Generalist E** Generalist F** Generalist G** Cluster 1Cluster 2 Total # of Cluster 1 employees supported: 1824 HR to employee ratio: 1:166 Total # of Cluster 2 employees supported: 665 HR to employee ratio: 1:110 * Generalists ABCD function as a pool ** Generalists EFG function as a pool Proposed New Structure Administrative Assistant Business Partner D
13 HRSC Service Provider Roles & Responsibilities Overview Business PartnerHR Generalist Help managers forecast and plan talent pipelines in line with unit strategy Resolve complex employee relations, collective bargaining and performance issues, escalating where appropriate Help business leaders align performance metrics and evaluation processes with OEVP units and University strategic priorities Advise supervisors and employees on routine to moderately complex employee relations issues, escalating highly complex issues as needed Assist Business Partners in recruitment, performance management, AMI processes, etc. Assist, interpret, and communicate University policies and regulatory guidelines Manage payroll processes and tracking of HR data Help business leaders identify and build climate, capabilities, behaviors, structures, processes to support unit strategy STRATEGIC TACTICAL
14 HRSC Service Provider Roles & Responsibilities Overview Business PartnerHR Generalist Communicates with Manager and assist in Performance Review process for Grades 14 and above Collaborates with the management team to roll out AMI process and ensure that it is align with University guidelines, business results and performance For On/Off Boarding, will partner with management to ensure business continuity for Grades 14 and above Strategizes and manages recruitment for Grades 13 and below Communicates with Manager and assist in Performance Review process for Grades 13 and below Implements AMI processes For On/Off Boarding, will partner with management to ensure business continuity for Grades 13 and below Strategizes and manages recruitment for Grades 14 and above
15 Projection Total Existing Staff 33 Projected Needed Staff 17 Approximated savings: 16 $65,000 per head = $1,040,000
16 Implementation To Do List Identification of clusters’ location and space Budget creation Redistribution of non-HR duties: – Unit budgeting; purchasing / invoice processing – Coordinating requests for facilities / telecom service – Coordinating maintenance on unit copiers – Coordinating IT requests (requests for service, upgrades, etc.) – Unit fire safety – Fleet safety – Site inspections / risk management – Employee newsletters and communications – Managing seasonal employees and other non-HR employees – Other administrative tasks (managing calendars, etc.) Talent management of staff, i.e., recruitment, orientation, team-building