8 Mrs. Sandra Allen Head Teacher Diary Dates REMEMBER Many thanks All newsletters, class letters and PTA information and dates are on the school website. If you would like your Newsletter by please contact Mr. Gabb We are well into Term 4 and our School Council is busy in planning a day of fun and fund raising for comic relief on Friday 13 th March. A separate letter from them will be coming out to you to advise of the plan for the day. Due to the activities on this day there will be no celebration assembly this Friday. As you are aware from previous newsletters the PTA are fund raising to improve the play facilities in the school in line with the South Gloucestershire initiative. Our target is £10,000. This will provide a trim trail for Key Stage 2 children and large musical instruments in the area between Class 2 and 3. At present we have £1,500 towards this project. To keep you informed how near we are towards our target there will be a display in the hall shortly. If you have any ideas for this project or are willing to help by contacting organisations for donations please contact Mr. Gabb or myself. Please may I remind you again for the safety of our children that they are not allowed in the school grounds before 8.45 a.m. as there is no one available to supervise them. Also, if you think you may be late in picking your child up at the end of the day, if possible please telephone the school in advance and collect your child from the school office when you arrive. From time to time children have visitors in their hair. To try and keep this to a minimum please would you check your child’s hair regularly and if necessary treat and inform the class teacher. Regular checking, combing a conditioner through your child’s hair together with tying shoulder length hair back will minimize the chance of infection. Head lice love clean hair!! School closed for In- service training Easter Service in the church at 2.00 p.m..followed by hot cross buns in the school hall End of Term Beginning of Term End of Term School closed for In- service training Beginning of Term End of Term Stop press During week commencing 30 th March Curate Judith Lee of St John the Baptist is going to plan and set up an ‘Easter Experience’ in the church for our children. If you have time and would like to help set this activity up please contact her on To all those who helped at the Valentines disco to make this an enjoyable event for all the children. Judith Lee has found some keys outside the church. Please contact her on if you have lost any. Music lessons We have some spaces available for any children in Class 3,4, or 5 who would like to learn to play the flute or clarinet. Please contact Mrs Milkins if you are interested. Crafty Art Club for under 5’s meets every Wednesday at in the Frenchay Quaker Meeting place. Interested? Contact Rachel on