eHR01 Human Resources Management Prof R K Singh AIMA-CME
AIMA-CME2 eHR01: Evolution of HRM in India eHR01: Evolution of HRM in India Evolution of HR Functions : 1929: Royal Commission on Labour-GOI 1931: Appointment of Labour Officers. Scope :Employment, Dismissal and Working Conditions. 1945: Labour Officers got designated as Welfare Officers. Scope : + Housing, Medical, and Recreational Activities
AIMA-CME3 eHR01: Evolution of HRM in India eHR01: Evolution of HRM in India Evolution of HR Functions : 1946: Industrial Disputes Act 1947: Factories Act Scope :+ Management of Leave, Wages, Bonus & Retirement Benefits 1960s-1970s : Need for Attracting & Retaining Right People ( Growth in Business, Competition & Increased size of Business)
AIMA-CME4 eHR01: Evolution of HRM in India eHR01: Evolution of HRM in India Formulation of HR Policies on : HR PlanningHR Planning Recruitment and SelectionRecruitment and Selection Training & DevelopmentTraining & Development Performance & Potential AppraisalPerformance & Potential Appraisal Internal Mobility &Internal Mobility & Compensation ManagementCompensation Management Welfare Officers Personnel Managers
AIMA-CME5 eHR01: Evolution of HRM in India 1980s-1990s : Further recognition of the importance of Human Resources and their contribution to the survival of the Organizations. Personnel Managers Manager-HR Personnel Managers Manager-HR
AIMA-CME6 eHR01 : Evolution of HRM in Europe 1.1 History of HRM: Formation of Guilds of workers in England to improve the work conditions.Formation of Guilds of workers in England to improve the work conditions. Industrial Revolution (18 Century) laid the basis for a new and complex industrial society.Industrial Revolution (18 Century) laid the basis for a new and complex industrial society. Working conditions, social patterns, and division of labour were significantly altered.Working conditions, social patterns, and division of labour were significantly altered. A new kind of employee-a “Boss”, who wasn’t necessarily the owner, came into existence.A new kind of employee-a “Boss”, who wasn’t necessarily the owner, came into existence.
AIMA-CME7 eHR01 : Evolution of HRM in Europe 1.1 History of HRM: Emergence of Scientific Management Approach and Industrial Psychology (Later19 Century) focused on the job & efficiencies and the maximum well-being of the worker respectively.Emergence of Scientific Management Approach and Industrial Psychology (Later19 Century) focused on the job & efficiencies and the maximum well-being of the worker respectively. Changes in Technology, growth of organizations, the rise of unions, and government concern and intervention concerning working people resulted in development of Personnel Departments. (Around 1920)Changes in Technology, growth of organizations, the rise of unions, and government concern and intervention concerning working people resulted in development of Personnel Departments. (Around 1920)
AIMA-CME8 HRM and Personnel Management :Differences HRM and Personnel Management :Differences 1. Orientation : Personnel : Maintenance Oriented HRD : Development Oriented 2.Structure : Personnel : An independent function with independent sub-functions HRD : Consists of inter-dependent parts 3. Philosophy : Personnel : Reactive function, responding to events as and when they take place HRD : Proactive function, trying to anticipate and get ready with appropriate responses.
AIMA-CME9 HRM and Personnel Management :Differences HRM and Personnel Management :Differences 4. Responsibility: Personnel : Exclusive responsibility of Personnel department. HRD : Responsibility of all managers in the organization 5.Motivators : Personnel : Emphasis is put on monitary rewards HRD : Emphasis is on higher-order needs such as - how to design jobs with stretch, pull and challenges, how to improve creativity and problem solving skills, how to empower people in all respects, etc
AIMA-CME10 HRM and Personnel Management :Differences HRM and Personnel Management :Differences 6. Outcomes : Personnel : Improved performance is the result of improved satisfaction and morale. HRD : Better use of human resources leads to improved satisfaction and morale. 7.Aims : Personnel : Tries to improve the efficiency of people and administration. HRD : It tries to develop the organization and its culture as a whole.
AIMA-CME11 HRM : Definition Human Resource Management is a broad concept referring to the philosophy, policies, procedures, and practices used in managing people throughout the organization.
AIMA-CME12 Defining HRM Defining HRM HRM is the systematic control of a network of fundamental organizational processes affecting and involving all organization members; these processes include : Human Resource PlanningHuman Resource Planning Job & Work DesignJob & Work Design Job Analysis, StaffingJob Analysis, Staffing Training and DevelopmentTraining and Development Performance Appraisal and ReviewPerformance Appraisal and Review Compensation and RewardCompensation and Reward Employee Protection & RepresentationEmployee Protection & Representation Organization DevelopmentOrganization Development
AIMA-CME13 eHR01 : Objectives of HRM eHR01 : Objectives of HRM Helping the organization reach its goals.Helping the organization reach its goals. Providing the organization with well-trained and well-motivated employees.Providing the organization with well-trained and well-motivated employees. Employing the skills and abilities of the workforce efficiently.Employing the skills and abilities of the workforce efficiently. Increasing to the fullest the employees’ job satisfaction and self actualization.Increasing to the fullest the employees’ job satisfaction and self actualization. Communicating HRM policies to all employeesCommunicating HRM policies to all employees Helping to maintain ethical policies and socially responsible behaviourHelping to maintain ethical policies and socially responsible behaviour Managing change to the mutual advantage of individuals, groups, the enterprise, and the public.Managing change to the mutual advantage of individuals, groups, the enterprise, and the public.
AIMA-CME14 Strategic Importance of HRM: Key Concepts Strategic Importance of HRM: Key Concepts Analyzing and Solving problems from a profit- oriented, not just a service oriented, point of viewAnalyzing and Solving problems from a profit- oriented, not just a service oriented, point of view Assessing and interpreting costs or benefits of HRM issuesAssessing and interpreting costs or benefits of HRM issues Using planning models that include realistic, challenging, specific, and meaningful goals.Using planning models that include realistic, challenging, specific, and meaningful goals. Training the HR Staff and emphasizing the strategic importance of HRM and the importance of contributing to the firm’s profit.Training the HR Staff and emphasizing the strategic importance of HRM and the importance of contributing to the firm’s profit.
AIMA-CME15 eHR01 : Concept and Scope of HRM eHR01 : Concept and Scope of HRM 1.4 Who Performs HRM Activities? -HR Managers and Operating Managers. Operating Managers (Supervisors, Department Heads, Vice Presidents of non-HR Department) are involved in HRM activities because they are responsible for effective utilization of all the resources at their disposal. Operating managers must see to the training, performance, and satisfaction of employees.
AIMA-CME16 eHR01 U1: Concept and Scope of HRM eHR01 U1: Concept and Scope of HRM Scope of HRM (According to IIPM) Personnel AspectPersonnel Aspect Welfare AspectWelfare Aspect Industrial Relations AspectIndustrial Relations Aspect
AIMA-CME17 eHR01 : Concept and Scope of HRM eHR01 : Concept and Scope of HRM 1.5 Activities of HRM Department Personnel Aspect : Manpower PlanningManpower Planning Recruitment and SelectionRecruitment and Selection PlacementPlacement TransferTransfer PromotionPromotion Training and DevelopmentTraining and Development Lay off and Retrenchment,Lay off and Retrenchment, RemunerationRemuneration Productivity and Incentives, etc.Productivity and Incentives, etc.
AIMA-CME18 eHR01 U1: Concept and Scope of HRM eHR01 U1: Concept and Scope of HRM 1.5 Activities of HRM Department Welfare Aspect : Working Conditions and Amenities such asWorking Conditions and Amenities such as-Canteen-Creches -Rest and Lunch Room/s -Housing-Transport, -Medical Assistance -Education -Health and Safety and Recreation Facilities, etc.
AIMA-CME19 eHR01 U1: Concept and Scope of HRM eHR01 U1: Concept and Scope of HRM Activities of HRM Department Industrial Relations Aspect : Union-management relationsUnion-management relations Joint ConsultationsJoint Consultations Collective BargainingCollective Bargaining Grievance and Disciplinary ProceduresGrievance and Disciplinary Procedures Settlements of Disputes, etc.Settlements of Disputes, etc.
AIMA-CME20 eHR01: Emerging HR Functions eHR01: Emerging HR Functions Assessment Centre: A mechanism to identify the potential for growth. It’s a procedure and not a location. It uses situational tests to observe specific job behaviour. Empowerment : It provides greater freedom and discretion to employees so that they develop mutual trust, liberal sharing of information, become team player and release their full potential to contribute to the organizations.
AIMA-CME21 eHR01: Emerging HR Functions eHR01: Emerging HR Functions Job Enrichment: It provides discretion, flexibility and variety to the job to increase the employees’ willingness to contribute. Parity and Justice: To ensure that the constitutional and legislation guarantees are not ignored/violated by individual managers and/or organization.