Welcome to Quantitative (Research) Methods MGM Peter Schmidt 2012/13 schmidt-bremen.de -> QM (MGM) November MGM Quantitative Methods - P Schmidt, Hochschule Bremen
WHY study Quantitative (Research) Methods? WHAT s it about ? November MGM Quantitative Methods - P Schmidt, Hochschule Bremen
Contents nIntroduction (s) nResearch Methods nLecturer nStudents n… November MGM Quantitative Methods - P Schmidt, Hochschule Bremen
Learning Targets nAcademic Research –The scientific method –structure and format of academic work –dealing with (data-) sources nWorking with data nPractical experience n… November MGM Quantitative Methods - P Schmidt, Hochschule Bremen
Learning Outcomes nAfter completion of this module students will have essentially improved their individual communication skills, self-confidence and effectiveness in rhetoric activities and are able to professionally apply presentation, moderation and negotiation techniques. nStudents will be also able to apply statistical tools and concepts needed in business applications and can use modeling as an aid to managerial decision making November MGM Quantitative Methods - P Schmidt, Hochschule Bremen
Learning Targets: Content nQuantitative Methods enables students to analyze data and apply statistical analyses. Topics include: nPresentation and interpretation of descriptive measures, napplications of probability and the normal distribution in order to be able to properly apply confidence interval estimation and hypothesis testing. nThe students shall be able to use simple and multiple regression models as well as time series analysis to applied cases from Economics and Business. November MGM Quantitative Methods - P Schmidt, Hochschule Bremen
Economics & Statistics ZEW Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung - Mannheim Peter Schmidt Who am I market. research. culture markt. forschung. kultur November MGM Quantitative Methods - P Schmidt, Hochschule Bremen
You u are highly motivated students u have to carry your individual workload: Schmidt-bremen.de -> QM (MGM) theory: 30 classroom h + 60 h individual work November MGM Quantitative Methods - P Schmidt, Hochschule Bremen
Teamwork n4 Teams – working together for the module nMixed gender / nationalities Tasks: nTeamwork in class nHomework nCase study: presentations, handout, term paper November MGM Quantitative Methods - P Schmidt, Hochschule Bremen
Contents nIntroduction (s) nQuantitative Research Methods nLecturer nStudents n… nLets get started November MGM Quantitative Methods - P Schmidt, Hochschule Bremen