We are Pierce’s Pack!
Mrs. Stephanie Pierce 15 years in education: 1 st,3 rd,4 th grades Family Moved to Needville Last Year
Binder Homework Conduct CSR Folder Class Work Consequences
Headings at top of EVERY paper No First Name – 1 point No Last name – 1 point No Date – 2 points Misspelled words – 2 points (if words are provided in word bank on paper or textbook) - 2 points if grade level appropriate words are misspelled. Incomplete portions of assignments or incomplete papers (back sides of worksheets, etc) is teacher discretion.
Punctuation – 1 point for each error. Spelling – 2 points for each misspelled word except in the subject of spelling – the word will just be counted wrong. Complete Sentences – 2 points. Part of the question MUST be re-stated in the student’s answer Grading Guide – sent home in 1 st day packet
Homework is listed daily on the Daily Assignment Sheet located in the Conduct folder. Please initial this daily. This can also be found on my web page. Homework will be given every day and the students are asked to place it in their homework folder in their binder. Homework marks are given for incomplete homework or homework not turned in.
1 st offense – mark and stay in at recess. 2 nd offense – mark and stay in at recess. Written parent communication (note) 3 rd offense – mark and stay in at recess. Classroom Discipline. 4 th offense – mark and stay in at recess. Office Discipline. ***Each HW miss after the 4 th in a 6 weeks period will result in an Office Discipline.*** Homework marks will count as behavior marks for the 7 marks in a week discipline policy.
This blue folder will come home at Progress Report and Report Card time. Please sign and return the blue folder back to school.
8:00-8:15 – Class Preparation 8:15-9:00 – Tutorials/Coaches 9:00-9:30 – Computer (M,W,F)/Music (T,TH) 9:30-10:45 – Math 10:45-11:30 – PE/Conference 11:30-12:30 – English/Writing 12:30-1:00 – Lunch 1:00-1:30 – Recess 1:30-1:45 –Storytime 1:45-3:00 Reading/Spelling 3:00-3:30 – Social Studies or Science 3:30 – Pack up 3:35 – Block 1 and Car Riders 3:40 – Block 2 3:45 – Block 3 and Walkers Library-----every Monday at 1:45-2:15
STAAR Testing will take place: Math – April Reading – April We will take a benchmark test If a child scores low on benchmark, they can receive ARI or AMI, extra tutorials, PAL, possible after school tutorials
Student handbook can be found at Dress Code Absence notes Transportation notes Medicine Notes Textbooks
Tardy Bell rings at 8:05 A.M. Attendance is taken at 10:10 A.M. me or call the office if you want homework ready to pick up if your child is absent
Building will open everyday at 7:15 A.M. A teacher is not on duty until 7:30 A.M. Breakfast is served in the white cafeteria You may drop off at either side in the morning – but only pick up in the car rider line on the blue side in the afternoon. Lockers Please DO NOT me transportation changes in the middle of the day! Send a note or call the office only in an emergency. Ice Cream is sold on Tues/Thurs. for 50 cents.
You may check your child’s lunch account online at Click on parents & students Click on parents Click on links Click on Lunch Money Now They cannot borrow lunch money through the office anymore.
Student of the week/Birthdays Room Parents/Background checks Party Days: Christmas, Valentine’s, and End of Year. These are no candy parties except Valentine’s Candy/Treats Days: Halloween, Valentine’s, and Easter. Halloween and Easter are NOT party days, but you may send treat bags. We will be ordering class t-shirts soon! Everyone must have a class t-shirt to participate in school activities. Only CASH money will be accepted. 3 rd Grade music program is in October.
When AR begins, your child will be expected to take 2 AR quizzes each week by Friday. Failure to do so will result in a mark on conduct. Read at home and they can take a quiz when they get here. They will also have ample reading time during the day to take care of this. They will be expected to be reading on there level. Soon, they will take a STAR test in the AR program and receive a reading level. This information will be relayed to you so you are aware of where your child needs to be reading.
Please join PTA for $8 per person. We would love to have 100% join in our class! Being a member does not mean you have to volunteer! Money raised helps pay for field trips, rewards, parties, activities, etc. Also, please be saving Box Tops for Education on all General Mills products!
School Phone Conference Period 10:45-11:30 Website: You can also find our web page on the District web page. Click on Needville Elementary then Teacher Web Pages. Best way to reach me is by .
Thank you for coming!