How Green is Your HR? Mark Regensburger Fayetteville Technical Community College
Green HR? going paperless green policies changing habits
How Green is Your HR? Recruiting & Selection HR Actions & Records Policies & Practices Learning & Development Business Travel Compensation
Recruiting & Selection online vacancy postings online applications & resumes applicant tracking systems paperless interviews
HR Actions & Records fillable electronic forms paperless approval routing electronic signatures performance evaluations paperless employee files scanners readily available
Policies & Practices policies & manuals online discourage unneeded printing narrow margins require paper recycling – shredded paper?
Policies & Practices green work environment kill energy vampires flextime & telecommuting encourage green transportation lunch at work
Learning & Development changing habits reduce / reuse / recycle going paperless
Learning & Development virtual handouts capturing feedback – clickers during training – online surveys after training learning management systems
Business Travel virtual meetings virtual work groups green travel
Compensation incentives to change habits caught in the act of being green team & department goals green gainsharing
Triple Bottom Line Financial ̶ Profits Social ̶ People Environmental ̶ Planet $
Recruiting & Selection HR Actions & Records Policies & Practices Learning & Development Business Travel Compensation Triple Bottom Line
How Green is Your HR? Mark Regensburger Fayetteville Technical Community College