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This is also the sign for HOLIDAY.
OH-I-SEE is an ASL expression that conveys comprehension, sympathy, and concern, similar to sounds like oh, humm, aha, I see.
Also you will see two flat O hands as one “O” opens up to wash up on the beach.
This is older sign. We now use MEXICO’s sign for MEXICO which is a “V” hand shape bounced on the right side of the forehead.
Although the Master ASL book does not show the sign for WYOMING, a common sign is using 2 hands, the “W”s move outward and become “Y”s.
The sign for the fruit ORANGE is the same.
To emphasize the depth or brightness of a color, swing the hand forming the color away from you.
Use LOVE-IT when signing about a non-romantic love for things, like sports, foods, or hobbies.
Although Master ASL does not show it, there is a sign for . Dominate index finger or four hand moves back and forth through the non-dominate “C” hand.
When signing LIVE as in where do you LIVE, the “10” hand shapes come all the way up your body one time. When signing ADDRESS the hands repeat a back and forth movement at the chest.
Months of the year are either finger spelled or abbreviated.
M AY Jun e
au g sept
oct de c
This sign means both to “depend on” and “it might or might not happen” Whether or not I take the new job, depends on how many hours they offer me. You can depend on me.
Notice how the index finger moves down representing week after week just like on a calendar page.
This sign represents the earth rotating around the sun, because this happens once a year.
As if wiping sweat from your brow
This is also the sign for grow and plant.
Another popular sign for CHRISTMAS is the “C” hand rising up like a tree. This is the sign I typically use.
Another sign for EASTER is to circle the “E” handshapes like one form of the sign for SUNDAY.
Related signs include: FREE, LIBERTY, SAVE.
This sign represents looking back and remembering.
Another common sign for PASSOVER is the dominate “P” hand crossing over the non-dominate “S” hand.