RECERTIFICATION: IT’S EASIER THAN YOU THINK! Stephanie Runyan, PHR – HR Products Manager Note: There is no recertification credit awarded for attending this presentation.
GET RECERTIFIED.. Goals Why recertify? Categories Specified hours How to use your Online Profile Other recertification resources
GET RECERTIFIED.. Why should I recertify? The HR Field is constantly evolving Required to retain use of HR credentials Getting certified was not easy Endows your certification with credibility Validates your HR experience and continuous learning Shows commitment to HR profession and continued mastery of the field
GET RECERTIFIED.. Why should I recertify? [Requirements] HRBP/PHR’s – 60 General Credits; HRMP/SPHR’s – 15 BMS (strategic), 45 General Credits; GPHR’s – 15 International, 45 General Credits; PHR/SPHR-CA – 15 California, in addition to the specifications above; You recertify every 3 years!
GET RECERTIFIED.. Categories [60 recertification credit hours are required every three years] Recertification CategoriesRecertification Credit Hours Continuing EducationNo max Instruction20 hours max On-the-Job Experience20 hours max Research/Publishing20 hours max Leadership10 hours max Professional Membership10 hours max OR you may take the exam again (at current certification level–before your certification cycle ends).
GET RECERTIFIED.. Category Overview [CONTINUING EDUCATION] [INSTRUCTION] [ON-THE-JOB PROJECTS] Concurrent sessions (conference) Seminars and workshops College and university HR courses Webcasts and e-learning Presentation of a HR related subject Instructor of an HR course Presenter at a conference session Research and design a new benefit plan Research, design and implement a diversity program
GET RECERTIFIED.. Category Overview [RESEARCH/PUBLISHING] [LEADERSHIP] [PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP] Articles published in journal or periodical solely written by the certificant Co-authored or edited work Use your HR expertise to further a volunteer organization’s mission Chairing a committee Mentoring Holding a board position Being a member of a national/international HR- related professional association
GET RECERTIFIED.. Continuing Education [Recertification] All 60 credit hours can be earned in this category Videoconferences, audiotapes, webcasts/webinars and podcasts have a 20 hour maximum No limits on e-Learning Other activities that can earn credits here: –Conferences/Seminars –College/University Courses –Programs held in conjunction with a Chapter Meeting
GET RECERTIFIED.. Calculating Hours [Tips on Calculating Credits] Ensure topic is HR-related Round recertification credits to nearest quarter hour Determine full length of activity Subtract non-education contact time Programming must be at least 1 hour in length
GET RECERTIFIED.. Instruction/Teaching [Recertification] Earn credits for teaching an HR-related course Credit is awarded the 1 st time you perform an activity Other activities that can earn credits here: –Leading an HR workshop/training session at work –Leading a performance management seminar –Teaching a sexual harassment workshop Presentations on company policies would not be eligible for credit
GET RECERTIFIED.. On the Job [Recertification] Credit is awarded the 1 st time you perform an activity The activity must add to your HR Knowledge Other activities that can earn credits here: –Implementation of a new HRIS system –Development of an employee handbook –Development/Implementation of an AAP –Development of a disaster recovery plan –Conduct a benefit program needs assessment –Conduct job analyses to create job descriptions
GET RECERTIFIED.. Research/Publishing [Recertification] Credits can be earned by conducting primary research on an HR-related topic and then by getting those results published Articles must be published in a journal or periodical Other activities that can earn credits here: –Contribution to a published textbook (20 hrs) –Development of an HR video (10 hrs) –Participation in an HR-related blog (.50/2 hrs per year/6 hrs maximum) All research must by conducted and focused outside of your organization to be eligible
GET RECERTIFIED.. Leadership [Recertification] Credits can be earned through contributions to the HR Profession outside the workplace Activities must have a direct HR-link (Boy/Girl Scouts or Homeowner Associations would not qualify) Other activities that can earn credits here: –Officer position on a board –Participation in a structured mentoring program –Writing letters to Congress on an HR issue –Participation in a published SHRM/other national survey report
GET RECERTIFIED.. Membership [Recertification] Credits can be earned if you are a member of a national or international HR-related professional association or society Membership in a local chapter does not qualify for credit 3 hours of credit are awarded per year Organizations that can earn credits here: –SHRM Membership –World at Work Membership –ASTD Membership
GET RECERTIFIED.. Specified Hours [HRMP/SPHR ® ] 15 Business Management and Strategy recertification credit hours 45 General recertification credit hours [GPHR ® ] 15 International recertification credit hours 45 General recertification credit hours [CALIFORNIA] 15 California-specific recertification credit hours 45 General recertification credit hours
GET RECERTIFIED.. Business Management and Strategy [Recertification] BMS/Strategic credits cover HR responsibilities that fall outside the traditional HR function Require learning about the business or enter into a partnership with another department for the activity Have an impact on the organization’s mission, vision, values, bottom line, policies or strategic goals and objectives If the subject matter of the activity is covered in one of the other 5 domains, then it would not qualify for strategic credit
GET RECERTIFIED.. Determining BMS [Questions to Determine BMS Credit] Did the activity help to advance the mission of your organization? Did the activity impact the organization’s bottom line? Was the activity grass-roots or legislative in nature? Did the activity help influence a major organizational change? Tie to the BMS section of the HR Body of Knowledge
GET RECERTIFIED.. International [Defined] Recertification credits which are specific to global/international practices Tie to the GPHR Body of Knowledge
GET RECERTIFIED.. California [Defined] Recertification credits which are specific to California HR practices Tie to the California Body of Knowledge
GET RECERTIFIED.. Multiple Credentials Synchronize certification cycle with the first certification obtained (with prorated credit- hour requirements to accomplish this). Recertification fees: First certification: US$100 Additional certification: US$25 (unless certification was acquired during the last 6 months of original certification) $ MULTIPLE CREDENTIAL CYCLE SAMPLE 1 st credential obtainedSPHR Recertification cycle (example)06/30/10–06/30/13 2 nd credential obtainedGPHR Recertification cycle (example)06/30/11–06/30/13 Recertification credit hours requirement 35 (General); 15 (Strategic); 10 (International)
GET RECERTIFIED.. Documenting [Online Profile] Update your contact information (as needed) Report recertification activities as they occur Keep documentation of activities you participate in; this will be needed in the event you are audited! Apply for online recertification after 60 recertification credit hours are acquired AND as long as you have been certified for at least 12 months
GET RECERTIFIED.. Your Online Profile
GET RECERTIFIED.. Your Online Profile
GET RECERTIFIED.. Your Online Profile
GET RECERTIFIED.. Late Submissions TimeRecertification Fee Additional FeeTotal Fees On/before certification cycle end date US$100N/AUS$100 1–6 months after certification cycle end date US$100 US$25US$125 7–12 months after certification cycle end date US$100 US$50 US$150 >12months after certification cycle end date, certification expires. Pay full exam fees.
GET RECERTIFIED.. Planning [Tips] Know your recertification end date! Recertification begins as soon as you become certified; Keep in mind the specified credits hours; Refer to the Body of Knowledge to answer, “Will this add to my HR knowledge?” Keep up to date on changes that are coming from HRCI – , print and announcements on our website
GET RECERTIFIED.. Alternate Resources [Numerous sources to answer your recertification questions] Recertification presentations Virtual recertification chat/ Virtual strategic business management chat Call or recertification questions Go to our website at Recertification Handbook Recertification presentation Strategic business management pointers Get recertified the low-cost way flier Searchable directory of pre-approved activities (Events do not have to be pre-approved to be accepted for recertification credits) Recert Connection Blog Visit our Facebook page and LinkedIn groups to connect with other certified HR professionals and find out how they are recertifying
GET RECERTIFIED.. FAQ’s [If I submit my application well before my recertification due date, will my recertification cycle change?] No, you will retain your original cycle dates. You may not “roll over” credit earned prior to your next cycle. [I have been submitting recertification activities online for several months. Every time I go in to review, they reflect the pending status. When will they be reviewed?] Recertification applications are not reviewed until you have documented and submitted 60 recertification credit hours along with the payment. [Do programs have to be pre-approved by the HR Certification Institute to earn recertification credits?] We award recertification credits for all HR-related educational events, whether the program has been pre-approved. The benefit of pre- approved programs provides certificants a guarantee on the number of and specific recertification credits earned.
GET RECERTIFIED.. FAQ’s [My certification cycle expired on June 30, Can I submit my recertification application as late as June 29? I’m planning to attend the SHRM Annual Conference and expect to need the credits from that event to reach the 60 recertification credit hours?] You have until the end of your recertification cycle to submit your application. There is a 30-day grace period (to July 31, 2010) to submit your application. However, all activities must have been completed within your certification cycle. [What happens if the HR Certification Institute does not accept an activity for recertification credits?] Should the reviewer have questions regarding your recertification application, we will allow you to provide clarification of your submission or submit other activities (that occur within your certification cycle) for consideration. Yes. It is not necessary to submit supporting documentation. Please retain documentation for your records. The Institute randomly audits recertification applications, at which, documentation is needed. [Is it correct that I do not need to submit supporting documentation to the application, I just need to list the educational seminars I have attended?]
GET RECERTIFIED.. Contact 1800 Duke Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, USA (Toll-Free Line) Follow us on: Facebook Certification Matters Blog ( Recert Connection Blog (