Managing Sickness Absence and Return to Work Heather Singleton Occupational Health Manager
Cost of sickness absence UK plc> £12 billion Employers- £659 per employee per year (direct costs) days per employee CBI 2007 Absence Management survey report
Reasons for absence Minor unavoidable ailments Back pain Musculo-skeletal injury Stress Home/family responsibilities CIPD 2007 Absence Management survey report
Why manage sickness absence? Improved performance Retention of experienced staff Improved employee health, safety and well-being Improved workplace relations Reduced costs
Policies Provide clarity about what provisions are made for sickness absence, sick pay, support available, return to work planning Standard approach to avoid discrimination Other policies –Parental/carer leave –Compassionate leave –Flexible work options –Redeployment
Sickness Absence Policy Procedures for reporting absence Recording of absence Maintaining contact Return to work interview: –Identify any further actions required Trigger points for considering further actions: –Percentage absence –Long term absence –Work-related health problems
Absence Records Allows monitoring of sickness absence and may reveal information that requires investigation Individual employee records –High or changing levels of absence Organisational/departmental records –Department/work area trends: environmental or safety issue, work relationships? –Illness/injury trends: need for risk assessment, training or health promotion?
Use of Professional Advice or Support Occupational health –NHS Plus Occupational hygienist/environmental hygienist Occupational therapist Insurer services may include rehabilitation Jobcentre Plus –Disability Employment Advisor/Access to Work Counselling services
Planning Return to Work Take into account any professional advice or reports Allow time to plan and implement any changes prior to employee’s return Try to tailor the plan to the individual circumstances Discuss and agree plans with employee to gain their compliance and boost confidence
Planning Return to Work Final goal – normal or adapted hours/duties? Expected timeframe Alternative work arrangements or changes to contractual terms and conditions Supervision, mentoring, buddy Monitor progress – early identification of unexpected problems
Workplace Adjustment Phased return to normal work – hours and/or duties Changing work hours and/or duties Time off for treatment, rehabilitation etc Working from home New or modified equipment, furniture etc RedeploymentTraining
Sources of Advice Health & Safety Executive – NHS Plus – British Occupational Hygiene Society – British Association/College of Occupational Therapists – Jobcentre Plus –