Company Overview | Marketing & Communication | Finance | Facilities |TIM | QMG | ISG | ESG | RMG | HR Stand-up Meetings for BT Project Employees Information Security is everyone's responsibility ! ISG
Company Overview | Marketing & Communication | Finance | Facilities |TIM | QMG | ISG | ESG | RMG | HR Policies Policies to Adhere ISG ISG on the Intranet Agenda
Company Overview | Marketing & Communication | Finance | Facilities |TIM | QMG | ISG | ESG | RMG | HR Policies to Adhere
Do’s & Don’ts Wear ID badges around your neck in TechM Premises. Challenge any person whom you find without TechM ID badge and report to security guard. Affix appropriate parking stickers on your vehicles.
Company Overview | Marketing & Communication | Finance | Facilities |TIM | QMG | ISG | ESG | RMG | HR Do’s & Don’ts Do Not enter the restricted areas without proper authorization. Do not put obstacles in the way of access doors. Do not Tail-Gate. Swipe to access. Escorting visitors with due approval for entry within the company premises.
Company Overview | Marketing & Communication | Finance | Facilities |TIM | QMG | ISG | ESG | RMG | HR Do’s & Don’ts Photography in Company's premises is strictly prohibited. Co-operate with security guards when they request you for checking your belongings… declare at the entry to the Security Guard and get proper approval…
Company Overview | Marketing & Communication | Finance | Facilities |TIM | QMG | ISG | ESG | RMG | HR Do’s & Don’ts Do Not leave PC unattended without locking the screen. Do not Share Passwords with anyone, even not with Manager. When choosing a password, ensure that is not easy to guess and change it regularly, especially if you think it has become known to somebody else.
Company Overview | Marketing & Communication | Finance | Facilities |TIM | QMG | ISG | ESG | RMG | HR Do’s & Don’ts Ensure that laptop is allocated on your name. If it is on project sharing basis, ensure that Laptop Authorization form is duly filled & approved and present with them at all times. Use your active cards/secure Ids safely. Do not share them with anyone. Backup your data regularly. Ensure restoration drills.
Company Overview | Marketing & Communication | Finance | Facilities |TIM | QMG | ISG | ESG | RMG | HR TechMahindra requires you to: Are all documents labeled as per classification guidelines? –"Company Confidential", –"Restricted" –"Client Confidential", –"PUBLIC", or –"Commercial in Confidence" Are "RESTRICTED" and "CLIENT CONFIDENTIAL" documents kept in the custody of the PM and secured in locked
Company Overview | Marketing & Communication | Finance | Facilities |TIM | QMG | ISG | ESG | RMG | HR Do’s & Don’ts Collect printouts immediately, Do not to take classified documents outside security enclosures. For the disposal of any document use shredder. Do not leave any confidential papers on the desk unattended. Lock and key all your important and confidential documents.
Company Overview | Marketing & Communication | Finance | Facilities |TIM | QMG | ISG | ESG | RMG | HR Do’s & Don’ts Do not visit Internet sites that contain obscene, hateful or any objectionable material. Do not make or post indecent remarks, proposals, or materials on the Internet. Avoid storing or downloading Games, Songs, Personal photographs or any other personal information, etc. on your desktop/ laptop.
Company Overview | Marketing & Communication | Finance | Facilities |TIM | QMG | ISG | ESG | RMG | HR Do’s & Don’ts Do not download files from the internet or attachments until you are aware of the sender. Do Not initiate / forward chain or spam mails. Do not share Folder/files. Sharing can be done to intended users only for official purpose and must be removed when not required. Under no circumstances, permission should be set for “Everyone” for open accessibility...
Company Overview | Marketing & Communication | Finance | Facilities |TIM | QMG | ISG | ESG | RMG | HR Do’s & Don’ts Anything suspicious around you, should be immediately reported Incident Management System or to the Security/ immediate Manager (in after working hours/ late working hours) or at Participate religiously in the Fire Drills/ Evacuation Drills Conducted for your facility. This enables strengthening and improving our emergency preparedness.
Company Overview | Marketing & Communication | Finance | Facilities |TIM | QMG | ISG | ESG | RMG | HR BT requires you: to keep all BT information (whether or not it is marked “NOT TO BE SHOWN OUTSIDE BT”, "INTERNAL", “IN CONFIDENCE”, or “IN STRICTEST CONFIDENCE”) confidential and not to disclose it, unless you first have BT’s written permission; if you have access to BT customer or personal information, to comply with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998; to access BT computer systems and BT electronic information only if you have been authorised to do so. Unauthorised access may result in your being prosecuted under the Computer Misuse Act 1990; to access and use BT computer systems and BT information only as is necessary to do your job properly; to read and understand BT Security Requirement and Security Policy; to comply with other BT instructions and security policies that may be notified from time to time; and not to connect any equipment not supplied by BT to any BT LAN port. If you are in any doubt as to these requirements or the policies of BT Group Security, further advice and information can be obtained from your BT contact.
Company Overview | Marketing & Communication | Finance | Facilities |TIM | QMG | ISG | ESG | RMG | HR Information Security is everyone's responsibility! Failing to comply with ISG/ BT Security Policy may lead you to Disciplinary Actions to an extent of Immediate Termination of your employment with TechM Do’s & Don’ts
Company Overview | Marketing & Communication | Finance | Facilities |TIM | QMG | ISG | ESG | RMG | HR Information Security Policies at TechM Contd.. Do Visit the URL – hhhh tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// mmmm yyyy bbbb eeee aaaa tttt.... tttt eeee cccc hhhh mmmm aaaa hhhh iiii nnnn dddd rrrr aaaa.... cccc oooo mmmm UUUUseful Links BBBBMS SSSSupport Functions IIIInformation Security Group hhhh tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// iiii ssss gggg.... tttt eeee cccc hhhh mmmm aaaa hhhh iiii nnnn dddd rrrr aaaa.... cccc oooo mmmm isg tttt eeee cccc hhhh mmmm aaaa hhhh iiii nnnn dddd rrrr aaaa.... cccc oooo mmmm
Company Overview | Marketing & Communication | Finance | Facilities |TIM | QMG | ISG | ESG | RMG | HR ISG on the Intranet
ISG Portal -
Company Overview | Marketing & Communication | Finance | Facilities |TIM | QMG | ISG | ESG | RMG | HR ISG IMS –
ISG IMS – Report an Incident - Screen
ISG related Trainings…
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