Ways to Improve Your Senior Design Final Presentation (Based on Previous Years’ Comments) W. Wilson
Presentation Cosmetics Have pictures of team members with name and major on title slide of presentation Make all slides of presentations with fonts big enough to be read Have more pictures and videos, have less formula and equations Make sure of accuracy of all spelling and grammar!
Areas to Cover in Presentation Design Presentation Show use of “modern engineering tools” Show use of simulations and/or calculations to compare designs Explain why the design you chose is the “best” from those you considered Explain how your proposed design will satisfy your constraints, accomplish the deliverables, and achieve the specifications. Show personnel with areas of responsibility and accomplishments to date of each. Show proposed Gant Chart and Budget Final Presentation Show use of statistical analysis of data and measurements Show major budget items and where costs could be reduced if done in future Show a specific problem that arose and how you engineered around it Show a deliverable/specification check list with accomplishments checked off. Explain any failures to deliver any aspect that you wanted to do, could not. Show personnel with areas of responsibility and accomplishments of each.
Practice, Practice, Practice, …