Introduction (leave space for 2 sentence thesis at end of introduction) Who Germany, Austria/Hungary=Central Powers France, Great Britain, Russia and U.S.A. =Allies What WWI Where Europe (include Western and Eastern Fronts) When 1914-1918
2 sentence Thesis template: Copy the thesis template into the top box on your essay outline sheet. 2 sentence Thesis template: The major causes of World War 1 were ___________________________. The most significant outcomes of World War 1 were ______________________________. Remember, when writing your introduction it is a good idea to start with a “hook” such as an interesting fact (in this case a fact about WWI) or maybe even a question to the reader.
For the outline and Essay Start with causes for claim #1 “Two of the major causes of WWI were_____________________” Choose your evidence for all body paragraphs from your … notebook (MAIN pages that go along with green DBQ books) your World Studies textbook (begin on page 698) or the most recent packet (“Mini-Q”) for the outcomes Pick which documents or text you think best illustrates this cause of the war. You will NOT use all sources in your essay.
Outline and Essay Claim #1 will be body paragraph 1. You should write about militarism and alliances in this paragraph. Find one piece of evidence for each. Claim #2 will be body paragraph 2. You should write about imperialism and nationalism in this paragraph. Find one piece of evidence for each. Claim #3 will be body paragraph 3. You should write about outcomes of the war in this paragraph. Choose 2 or more outcomes and find corresponding evidence. For all paragraphs you must cite your sources within the paragraph, whether you have direct quotes (“) or you have paraphrased. For the textbook use (Carrington, et al. pg.___) For the DBQ or Mini-Q background essays, use (Phil Roden and Charles Brady, pg.____) For the DBQ or Mini-Q documents use (Doc. A, pg._____)
Essay requirements 12 point Times New Roman (or equivalent in size) font. Double-spaced Proof read Approximately two full pages (around 600 words) typed. Title page and works cited page. Essay printed out