Office for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support (OSTLTS) Update Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Office for State, Tribal, Local and.


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Presentation transcript:

Office for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support (OSTLTS) Update Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Office for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support Craig Thomas, PhD Director, Division of Public Health Performance Improvement Office for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support Centers for Disease Control and Prevention May 1, 2012

OSTLTS Mission  Improve the capacity and performance of the public health system 2

Systems Approach  Work across CDC and the field  Catalyze support for system reform and integrated systems  Systematically increase performance management capacity  Integrate performance measurement and quality improvement

Translating Science to Practice Communication Resources

STLT Gateway  One-stop shop for information, tools, and resources for STLT public health professionals

 Weekly news for action  Engage with programs and CIOs across the agency  Inform STLTS public health professionals and help them move data and promising practices into public health action  Weekly communication tool to share news and information from the field  Strengthens bi-directional communication with the field by listening to and raising awareness about their successes, innovations, concerns, and challenges

Town Hall Teleconference  Held monthly after the release of the Vital Signs report  CDC program overview on Vital Signs topic  Experts present lessons learned and success stories from the field  Intended to help health officials move data to action by  Facilitating discussions on the most recent topic of the Vital Signs report  Providing a venue to discuss strategies, lessons learned, and success stories

CDC Role in Accreditation and Quality Improvement  Partner and Funder (and co-funder with Robert Wood Johnson Foundation)  Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB)  Accreditation readiness resources (direct and through national partners such as ASTHO)  Key OSTLTS (or OSTLTS-supported) Resources  Tools to assist with readiness or pre-requisites, e.g., new SHIP resource, NPHPSP  Support through the National Public Health Improvement Initiative (NPHII)  Performance Improvement Managers Network  Accreditation Support Initiative / mini-grants  Annual Performance Improvement Training Workshop  And many other resources related to PM/ QI!

Enhancing Cross-CDC Awareness and Connections to Institutionalize Accreditation  Building greater CDC-wide awareness  Direct connections with CIO’s  CDC-wide accreditation seminar and project officer webinar  Incentives -- for preparing and for accreditation status  Use of CDC grant funds for fees (PGO / OSTLTS FAQs document)  State to local support and incentives  Opportunities for incentives through programs  Connections with programs – i.e., how are programs/services reflected in PHAB standards? How is accreditation supporting CDC programs?  Preparedness, chronic disease programs, environmental health, infectious disease, immunizations, occupational health, STDs, Community Guide, informatics, etc. CDC ProgramsPHAB Standards

 NPHII successes in year 1  Established a relationship with 5 organizational partners to support our grantees  Established a National Performance Improvement Manger Network  Formulated an evaluation strategy and completed a base line assessment  Created over 70 jobs  Developed a first set of implementation stories  Grantee successes  70% of grantees designated full-time Performance Improvement M  68% of grantees have a dedicated performance improvement office  83% (n=63) of grantees made progress toward implementing performance management/quality National Public Health Improvement Initiative (NPHII) Overview Strengthening Public Health Infrastructure for Improved Health Outcomes

Performance Improvement Managers Network A community and forum to connect performance improvement managers or PIMs to foster collaboration, communication, and training Training Collaboration Communication Performance Improvement Managers CDC, SMEs and national partners

NPHII Year 2  NPHII Year 2  Begin with 74 grantees  Emphasized Performance/Quality Improvement while continuing to support specialized work in 19 locations.  Expected outcomes for Year 2  Completion of at least one quality improvement activity by each grantee  Improve each grantees’ readiness for accreditation  Increase in grantee and partner engagement in topics to advance Performance Improvement activities (e.g., ROI work group)  Increased emphasis on identifying adopting evidence-based practices

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For more information, please contact the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Clifton Road NE, Atlanta, GA Telephone: CDC-INFO ( )/TTY: Web: The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Thank You! Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Office for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support