So you have the greatest idea for the Next Big Hit Windows Phone Game? Mattias June 12, 2012
the idea
Combat Ghost Paratroopers Aquatic Sandwich Journey Save Yourself from the Yak Baseball Retro Jetpack Farmer Elmo's Ninja of Doom American Samurai of Death Infinite Dodgeball Empire
step two
Anything from 480 x 800 down to 240 x 240 (scales up to fullscreen) resolutions
800 x 480 slow – beautiful 600 x 360 (56%) quicker – quite lovely 400 x 240 (25%) lightning fast – pixely resolutions
512 MB or 256 MB memory Per app ~90 MB
the anatomy
two projects
change platform
phone vs PC vs Xbox
the lifecycle
Initialize() LoadContent() Update() Draw() OnActivated() Game()
Update() Draw() OnDeactivated() OnExiting() ~Game()
Update() Draw() OnDeactivated() OnActivated()...
Hm…This one looks familiar…
font rendering XNA butt-ugly! Nuclex Framework back in business!
graphics vs
math MathHelper Lerp() SmoothStep() Clamp()
math Multiplication vs Division fasterslower b=a*0.5f;b=a/2f; vs
trial mode
be ready time downloads
the future of xna Windows 8 (Metro) Windows Phone 8 Xbox (XBLIG) Windows Classic (XP, Vista, Win7, Win8 desktop mode) XNA is not an option XNA is still the best option XNA is one of the options
Mattias Larsson __mattias__ Badgers Rock (Windows Phone Marketplace)