WP5: ASO Database Welfare Mix Days Sptit, July Ranko Milić Adriatic Welfare Mix Steering Committee Member
ASO Database The part of the WP5: Establishment of ASO Responsible partner: Healthy City Formal host of ASO Database functions: Cluster for Eco-Social Innovation and Development CEDRA Split as a sustainable inter-sector framework initiated by Healthy City and formally supported by LPE SDC and integrated at the national policy level (Ministry of Labour) ASO Database is a regional program
Proposal of ASO Database Focuses Welfare and social issues data Social and economic inclusion data Social innovation data Sustainable social development data Social entrepreneurship data Employment data Human resources development data Social service providers, social enterprises, etc.?
ASO Database Functions Online data collection and analysis Solutions, projects and incentives pipelining and clustering Best practice exchange/dissemination of information and know-how Replication/multiplication and scaling up to the system change level Advocacy: support technical functions of advocacy efforts in establishment of technical round tables or committees within regional structures, social policy/strategy improvement/development and action planning (initiatives/projects pipelining) Stakeholders networking and match-making?
ASO Database Vision Central place for social development and innovation practice sharing Promoting communication, exchange, cooperation and partnership Self-sustainable business model (co-financed by stakeholders)
ASO DB Tasks in AWM Partners should contribute to ASO DB functions design and preparation of the tender should have international outlook Partners should actively work on input collection, editing and translation for the DB to make the DB fully functional: policies, strategies, initiatives, projects, financing – to be collected from local level up to national and regional level Especially relevant are best practice projects/programs, policies, strategiesm action plans Localisation of DB functions and training of local stakeholders to implement the system in the regional context to be planned in the national budgets
ASO Tasks in AWM Partners should contribute to ASO DB functions design and preparation of the tender should have international outlook Partners should actively work on input collection, editing and translation for the DB to make the DB fully functional: policies, strategies, initiatives, projects, financing – to be collected from local level up to national and regional level Especially relevant are best practice projects/programs, policies, strategiesm action plans Localisation of DB functions and training of local stakeholders to implement the system in the regional context to be planned in the national budgets
Challenges and Solutions Pre-financing Joining the budgets for the database localization
Thank you Ranko Milić CEDRA Ru đ era Boškovića Split Ana Lekšić Zdravi grad Vukovarska Split